Sunglasses are visual devices made of colored or dark glass to protect the eyes from ultraviolet sunlight. They can be used both to protect against the effects of sunlight and as a personal accessory. Sunglasses, which are used to protect the eyes from harmful rays, are different from reading glasses .

What are the uses of sunglasses?
Sunglasses prevent the sun's rays from reflecting on surfaces such as mosques, water and snow. When spending time outside in sunny weather, the negative effects of sun rays can be prevented from damaging the eyes. Sunglasses can also be used as accessories.

What Are Sunglasses Used For?
Sunglasses can be used as an accessory that completes a person's elegance today. They are also used to protect the eyes from ultraviolet rays, to increase the person's vision quality, and to prevent harmful dust and foreign objects from entering the eyes. Sunglasses have a versatile use.

What Should Sunglasses Users Pay Attention to?

Those who wear sunglasses should pay attention to the following points;
- In order not to damage the sunglasses, they should be put on and taken off with both hands.
- If it is carried in a trouser or shirt pocket, it should be carried in a case.
- When not in use, it should not be left upside down on hard surfaces to prevent scratching the glass and should be stored in its box when not in use.
- It should be placed in its case when carried in places such as handbags and suitcases.
- You should not enter the pool or the sea with sunglasses. The lenses may be damaged by salt and chlorine and lose their function.
- Cleaning of eyeglass lenses should be done by holding them with two fingers from the middle bridge without pressing too hard.

Can Sunglasses Be Used During Breastfeeding and Pregnancy?
Sunglasses can also be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Expectant mothers can use quality sunglasses during pregnancy. In other words, there is no obstacle for expectant mothers to use sunglasses during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

What Are Polarized Sunglasses?
Polarized sunglasses are sunglasses that are placed inside unprocessed glass. When sunglasses are produced as polarized, the lenses of the glasses absorb dazzling light reflections. In this way, the sun rays coming to the eye are reflected and do not harm the eye.

What Are UV Filtering Sunglasses?
Sunglasses with UV filters prevent harmful light from passing through the eyes thanks to their UV filtered lenses. The light blocking power of each sunglasses is different. UV filter sunglasses, which are recommended for use at the seaside and in snowy light, are highly preferred due to their high light blocking power.

UV Filter or Polarizing Filter?
Sunglasses with UV filters have the ability to block ultraviolet rays emitted by the sun. The blocking power of the rays is shown on the product with different values. Sunglasses can be made without polarization. However, it is recommended that quality sunglasses have a UV filter.

Can You Look at the Sun with Sunglasses?
It is not recommended to look at the sun with sunglasses. In the summer months, when the eyes are exposed to the sun, diseases such as macular degeneration, cataracts and eye pulpitis can occur. Therefore, it is necessary not to look directly at the sun with sunglasses.

What Does UV Protection Mean?
UV light can damage a person's skin and eyes. It can damage the eyes at any time, not just when the sun is shining. The lenses of sunglasses effectively protect the eyes from UV radiation. UV protection ensures that the lenses of sunglasses are protected against the harmful rays of the sun.

What Does Mirrored Sunglasses Mean?
Mirrored sunglasses are the application of reflective optical coating to the outer part of the eyeglass lenses to make them appear like small mirrors. This application is called mirror coating or flash coating. It is among the most preferred models in sunglasses.

Should Sunglasses Cover the Eyebrows?
When choosing sunglasses, you should consider both face and eyebrow details. Rectangular models will not hide the eyebrows. If the frames of the glasses you buy are dark, it will be more aesthetic if the eyebrows are lighter. Whether sunglasses cover the eyebrows is entirely optional.

What Does Gradient Lens Sunglasses Mean?
Gradient lens sunglasses are glasses that transition from a dark tone to a light tone from top to bottom. They are glasses with glass models that are dark on the top and more transparent on the bottom. They are among the most preferred eyeglass models in recent years.

What Happens If Sunglasses Are Not Polarized?
Sunglasses may not be polarized. Sunglasses that are not polarized do not pose any harm to eye health. Non-polarized sunglasses do not have any effect on eye health. In addition, sunglasses must have UV protection. If there is no UV protection, permanent damage to the eyes may occur.

Is Wearing Sunglasses Good for Eye Health?
The radiation produced by the sun provides vitamin D formation in very small doses. High doses of UV radiation can cause complaints such as burns and cancer on a person's skin. Again, radiation can cause serious damage to the eyes. When purchasing sunglasses, it will be beneficial for eye health to purchase glasses with UV protection features. Eye health should not be neglected and should be examined by an eye doctor at regular intervals .

How to Choose Sunglasses?
When choosing sunglasses, comfort is the primary concern. The frame of the sunglasses should not touch the person's cheek, and should not be worn at the same level as the eyebrows. In addition, the type and color of the sunglasses that the person will buy should be compatible with the facial features. Thin sunglasses will be a more aesthetic choice for people with thin faces.

What Does Sunglasses Measurement Mean?
Gauge refers to the unit that indicates the width of the eyeglass lens and the bridge between the two lenses. This term can be expressed as the size of the glasses. The width of the glasses varies between 40-62 cm and the bridge length varies between 14-24 mm. Glasses may have single or multiple gauges.

Do Sunglasses Harm Your Eyes?
If sunglasses do not have certain features, they can damage the eyes. Very cheap and bad brand sunglasses can cause the formation of cataracts and pus inside the eye. In addition, choosing the wrong glasses can damage the eyes in the short and long term.

When to Wear Sunglasses?
Sunglasses are indispensable accessories in the summer months, that is, on sunny days. Sunglasses should also be worn in the winter months. Since the harmful rays of the sun can affect people in the winter months, sunglasses can be worn in all four seasons.

Can You Wear Sunglasses When Weather Is Overcast?
Sunglasses are used to protect against the harmful rays of the sun in sunny weather. Nowadays, many people use them as accessories in overcast weather. Sunglasses can also be used as accessories in overcast weather.

Why Wear Sunglasses in the Snow?
Sunglasses can also be worn in the snow. They can be worn as snow goggles to protect the eyes from the sun's rays reflected off the snow and ice. Lights in snowy weather cause snow blindness. Sunglasses can also be used in snowy weather.

Is it possible to protect yourself from breast cancer ? What should be done to protect yourself? Breast cancer is a cancer that originates from the cells in the layer lining the milk glands or milk ducts in the breast. It is the most common type of cancer in women. Its incidence increases with age. Breast cancer can originate from any area of ​​the breast tissue. As a result of the uncontrolled proliferation of cells, the disease spreads to other nearby and distant organs over time, leading to the patient's death. The exact cause of the disease is not known. However, it is more common in those with a genetic predisposition.

What Should Be Done To Protect Yourself From Breast Cancer?

Ideal Weight Should Be Maintained
Increased body fat increases the risk of breast cancer. This is because most of the estrogen is produced in the body's fat tissue. In particular, gaining weight after menopause further increases the risk of breast cancer. After menopause, the body's source of estrogen is primarily fat tissue.

The distribution of fat in the body also has an effect on the development of breast cancer. For example, women who are overweight in the upper abdomen are at higher risk of breast cancer than women who are overweight in the hip and leg areas. This is because these women have lower levels of sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG) and more estrogen circulating freely in the blood. Freely circulating estrogen binds more to breast tissue.

Medicines Containing Female Hormones Should Not Be Used If Possible
Hormone replacement therapy, which is used especially in postmenopausal women, uses female hormones such as estrogen and progesterone to replace the depleted female hormones. In particular, treatments that use estrogen and progesterone together are riskier in terms of breast cancer development than treatments that use estrogen alone. For these reasons, this hormone replacement therapy should not be used unless there is a medical reason.

Exercise Should Be Done Regularly
Regular exercise prevents a person from gaining weight. Thus, estrogen-producing fatty tissue does not form in the body. Another benefit of regular exercise is that it strengthens the immune system. The immune system prevents the formation of cancer cells.

Studies have shown that regular exercise during the premenopausal period significantly reduces the risk of breast cancer. Since weight gain during the postmenopausal period increases estrogen levels and increases the risk of breast cancer, exercise during this period becomes even more important.

Alcohol Consumption Should Be Reduced
Studies have shown that the risk of developing breast cancer is higher in those who drink alcohol regularly every day than in those who do not drink alcohol. This is due to the effect of alcohol on estrogen destruction and the increase in blood estrogen levels.

Smoking Should Be Quit
Smoking increases the risk of developing breast cancer, as it does for many other cancers. Therefore, it is very important not to smoke to avoid getting breast cancer.

Chemicals in Cosmetic Products Should Be Avoided
Some cosmetic products such as moisturizers, perfumes, hair care products and nail polishes, many personal care and cleaning products can cause breast cancer due to some chemicals such as parabens. Parabens were found in biopsies taken from patients with breast cancer. Parabens are used in make-up products, deodorants and shampoos to prevent the formation of bacteria and mold.

Is it possible to prevent breast cancer with medication?
If a woman is at high risk for breast cancer, preventive hormone therapy may be started. The drugs used for this are those containing the active ingredients tamoxifen and raloxifene.
There are studies that show that the incidence of breast cancer in high-risk women is halved with the use of such drugs. However, such drugs have some side effects, primarily the effect of making the blood clot more easily. The use of such drugs is recommended by the doctor after certain examinations.

It is Possible to Prevent Breast Cancer
Some precautions can reduce the risk of developing breast cancer. Especially during menopause, when the disease is more common, consuming foods rich in vitamins A and C, staying away from animal fats and consuming fibrous foods, and staying away from salty, smoked and canned foods can protect against breast cancer. In addition, not consuming alcohol and smoking or quitting if you do reduce the risk of cancer. Care should be taken not to exceed the ideal weight. For this, it is necessary to do regular sports and be active. Stress and tiring working conditions should be avoided as much as possible. People with a family history of breast cancer should be especially careful about breast cancer and have regular breast examinations by a general surgeon .

Obesity or fatness is one of the major health problems in developed and developing countries today. Obesity is an increase in body weight above the desired height due to an excessive increase in body fat relative to overall lean mass.

As we all know , nutrition is a necessity of life that begins in the womb and continues until the end of life. However, nutrition should be healthy. Healthy nutrition is the ability of a person to take in the nutrients necessary for growth, development and life in sufficient and balanced amounts and for a sufficient time and to use them in the body. Healthy nutrition is not about filling your stomach, suppressing hunger, or eating and drinking whatever you want.

What is Obesity?

In daily life, individuals (pregnancy, breastfeeding, infants, young children, elderly, workers, athletes, cardiovascular, diabetes, high blood pressure, respiratory disorders, etc.) need daily energy that varies according to their age, gender, profession, genetic and physiological characteristics and disease status.

In order to live a healthy life, energy consumption and energy consumption should be kept in balance.

Fat tissue makes up 18% of body weight in adult men and 25% in women. When this ratio is greater than 25% in men and 30% in women, it is called obesity. Obesity is also a common health problem in children .

If the daily energy intake is more than the energy spent, the unconsumed energy is stored as body fat, causing obesity.

At the same time, today's development of technology has made life easier, but has significantly limited daily movements.

As can be understood from obesity; the energy absorbed from food (calories) being more than the energy consumed and the excess energy being stored as fat (or more) in the body is considered a disease that negatively affects quality and durability.

Obesity is defined by the World Health Organization (WHO) as the accumulation of too much fat in the body that is harmful to health. People with excessive fat accumulation in their bodies are obese .

What are the causes of obesity?
Although the factors that cause obesity cannot be fully explained, excessive and improper nutrition and lack of physical activity are considered the most important causes of obesity. In addition to these factors, there are many interrelated genetic, environmental, neurological, physiological, biochemical, sociocultural and psychological factors that cause obesity. Considering that the increase in childhood obesity is too high to be explained by factors alone, it is accepted that environmental factors play a major role in the development of obesity.

The main risk factors for obesity are;
Excessive and incorrect nutrition
Insufficient physical activity
Level of education
Cultural factors Socialization
Income level
Endocrine and metabolic factors
Genetic factors
Psychological problems
Regular intervals Very low energy diet
Smoking and alcohol
Certain medications are consumed (antidepressants, etc.)
Number of births and interval between births
One of the factors that should be considered in the development of obesity is nutrition in the first years of life. It is reported that obesity rates are lower in children who are breastfed than in children who are not breastfed, and the duration, type, amount and timing of complementary feeding are effective on breastfeeding success.

Various documents published by WHO and UNICEF (United Nations Children's Fund) state that feeding babies only with breast milk for 6 months, continuing breastfeeding after 6 months, starting complementary food in sufficient quantity and quality, and continuing breastfeeding for at least 2 years can reduce the risk of obesity and chronic diseases in the short term and in the long term.

What are the Health Problems Caused by Obesity?
Obesity causes many health problems due to its negative effects on body systems (endocrine system, cardiovascular system, respiratory system, digestive system, skin, genitourinary system, musculoskeletal system) and psychosocial status.
The relationship between obesity and various diseases is well known and its effect on increased morbidity and mortality has also been demonstrated.

Being overweight is responsible for more than 1 million deaths and 12 million annual morbidities in the European Region each year.

What diseases does obesity cause?
Insulin resistance – Hyperinsulinemia
Type 2 diabetes (diabetes mellitus)
Hypertension (high blood pressure)
Coronary artery disease
Hyperlipidemia – Hypertriglyceridemia (increased fat in the blood)
Metabolic syndrome
Gallbladder disease
Certain types of cancer (gallbladder, endometrial, ovarian and breast cancers in women, colon and prostate cancer in men)
Sleep apnea
Fatty liver
Shortness of breath
Complications of pregnancy
Irregular menstruation
Hair growth
Increased risk of surgery
Psychiatric problems (anorexia nervosa (not eating) or schizophrenia (not taking in food due to vomiting), bulimia, night eating syndrome) or trying to achieve psychological satisfaction by eating more
Social illness - adjustment
Skin infections, fungal infections of the groin and feet, especially decreased and increased c regular grace due to excess subcutaneous fat
Musculoskeletal problems
How is Obesity Treated?

Obesity prevention is extremely important. Obesity prevention should start in childhood. Obesity in children and adolescents paves the way for obesity in adulthood. Therefore, families, schools and the environment should be informed about adequate and balanced nutrition and physical activity. Obesity treatment is a long and ongoing process that requires individual determination and active participation. The fact that many factors are effective in the etiology of obesity makes the prevention and treatment of this disease extremely difficult and complex. Therefore, a team consisting of a doctor, nutritionist, psychologist and physiotherapist is needed in obesity treatment.

The aim of obesity treatment is to reduce the risk of obesity-related morbidity and mortality by targeting realistic body weight loss, to provide the individual with adequate and balanced eating habits and to increase the quality of life. Losing body weight over a period of 6 months provides significant benefits in preventing health problems caused by obesity.
The methods used in obesity treatment are grouped into 5. These methods are;

1. Treatment of obesity with medical nutrition (diet)

Medical nutrition therapy plays an important role in the treatment of obesity. With nutrition therapy in obesity:

Body weight should be reduced to the extent that it should be according to height (BMI = 18.5 – 2.9
kg/m2). It should not be forgotten that medical nutrition treatment (diet) is specific to each individual. The targets determined at the beginning may be the person's ideal weight or slightly above the ideal weight.
The applied weight loss diet should be in accordance with the principles of adequate and balanced nutrition. The aim is to help the individual gain and maintain correct eating habits.
When body weight reaches a level comparable to height (BMI = 18.5 –
2.9 kg/m2), weight gain should be avoided and weight loss should be continued.

2. Exercise therapy
Although the effects of exercise therapy on weight loss are controversial, it is definitely accepted that physical activity reduces fat and regional fat tissue and prevents the loss of muscle mass that can be seen with diet. In people who support medical nutrition therapy with exercise therapy, weight gain can be prevented while weight loss and regain can also be prevented.

Adults should do 30 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise per day. This level of activity
provides 80 kJ (200 kcal) of energy expenditure per day. Obese people should aim to be physically active every day. Energy expenditure levels vary depending on each person's body weight and the intensity of the activity.

The basic principles of exercise therapy are:
Exercise type; Walking, increasing daily activities, resistance training
Exercise frequency;
Exercise per day or at least 5 days/week Duration;
060 minutes/once per day, 2030 minutes/twice per day
Exercise intensity; P70 Maximum oxygen uptake
The most important issue when implementing an exercise program in obese individuals is to keep the risk of injury as low as possible while increasing energy expenditure. The recommended exercise program should be personalized, enjoyable, applicable, and suitable for the individual's daily lifestyle.

3. Treatment of obesity with behavioral changes
Behavior modification therapy in terms of body weight control is a form of treatment that aims to positively change or reduce negative behaviors related to diet and physical activity, leading to excessive weight gain, reinforcing positive behaviors and demonstrating positive behaviors. is a lifestyle. Stages of behavior modification therapy:

Controlling stimuli
Developing alternative behaviors
Reinforcement, self-reward
Cognitive restructuring
Social support

4. Pharmacology (drug) treatment
The drugs used in the treatment of obesity are not suitable for people with mild to moderate overweight. It is very important that the reliability of the drugs used is determined, that they affect the cause of obesity, that they do not have significant side effects in the short and long term, that they are not addictive, and that these drugs do not cause addiction. They should be used under the advice and supervision of a doctor.

In order for obesity treatment to be successful, the patient must continue medical nutrition and exercise therapy in addition to drug therapy and have regular physical examinations.

5. Surgical treatment
The surgical approach to obesity is basically divided into two. The purpose of weight loss surgery to reduce energy intake with food is to reduce the absorption of nutrients in the gastrointestinal system. For this purpose, bypass surgery, gastric dilatation, gastric dilatation, balloon angioplasty, etc. methods are used. The purpose of reconstructive surgery: to remove existing fat tissue in different parts of the body. This treatment method is predominantly cosmetic and if the patient cannot meet the necessary conditions for obesity treatment, fat accumulation occurs again.

Urethrocystoscopy or cystoscopy is the process of examining the inside of the urethra and bladder in detail with a special lighted camera device. This procedure is performed by a urologist .

Why Is Cystoscopy Performed?
It is usually done for reasons such as blood in the urine or difficulty urinating. It is done when there is cancer in the bladder or when there is a suspicion of urethral stricture. In urethral stricture, this procedure is used to understand at what level of the urethra the stricture is. It also provides information such as whether there is a tumor in the bladder, if there is, how many and how big they are. Cystoscopy also provides information about the size of the prostate. Again, it is understood whether there are stones in the bladder. Cystoscopy should also be done during the insertion of a catheter into the kidneys.

How is Urethrocystoscopy Performed?
The patient does not need to be hospitalized for the cystoscopy procedure. The patient can return to their daily routine after the procedure. Before the procedure, the person urinates and empties their bladder. Then the patient is laid on a special table. A numbing gel is applied to the urethra and the procedure is performed. The procedure takes approximately 5 to 10 minutes.

The device called cystoscope is entered through the urethra and advanced towards the bladder. The cystoscope is a thin, lighted tube-shaped device with a lens on its end, connected to a camera system. There are two models of cystoscope devices. One of them is rigid, inflexible and made of metal. The other is like a cable and can be bent.

During the procedure, water or physiological serum is injected into the bladder. As this fluid fills the bladder, the bladder wall is stretched. In this way, the bladder can be examined better.

Is There Pain During Cystoscopy?
People often wonder if they will feel pain during cystoscopy and are afraid of feeling pain. However, there is usually no pain during this procedure. This is because a numbing substance is sprayed into the urethra before the procedure. This will numb the inside of the urethra and eliminate the feeling of pain. In addition, with the advances in technology, these procedures are now performed with a flexible cystoscope, which is thin, almost like a cable and can be bent . There may be some discomfort and a need to urinate during the procedure. However, this does not cause problems for patients and can be tolerated comfortably.

 HPV vaccine is a vaccine used to protect against a sexually transmitted disease caused by HPV, or Human Papilloma Virus. HPV is a disease that can be seriously prevented with a vaccine. HPV is considered a DNA virus and there are nearly 200 types. Although the disease is generally known for causing warts in the genital area and around the anus, warts may not be seen in every HPV type. HPV cases with warts are considered less dangerous. When the virus occurs without warts, it can pave the way for different types of cancer, especially cervical cancer in women and penile cancer in men.

HPV occurs especially in people who started their sexual life at an early age and in people who have multiple partners. Contagiousness is not only possible during sexual intercourse but also through contact with the infected area with the hand or other organs. Using a condom does not completely prevent the spread of this virus, but it can be said that it reduces the risk. The HPV vaccine is the most effective way to protect yourself from the virus and the diseases it causes.

When is the HPV vaccine administered?
It is recommended that vaccination be done in childhood to protect against human papillomavirus, which is the number one cause of cervical cancer. The ideal period for HPV vaccination is between the ages of 9-11. The demand for the vaccine, which is routinely applied in European and American countries, has also increased in Turkey in recent years. Although the vaccine is not routinely applied, the number of women who pay a certain fee to get vaccinated is increasing every day.

HPV Vaccine Types
There are two different brands of HPV vaccines on sale in Turkey. The two vaccines, Gardasil and Cervatix, protect against different types of HPV. With the Gerdasil vaccine, it is possible to protect against types 6, 11, 16 and 18 of HPV. Types 16 and 18 are the types that Cervatix also protects against.

Can I Get Vaccinated After Being Infected With HPV?
There is no harm in administering the vaccine even if the patient has human papillomavirus. The point to consider is which type of virus is present in the patient. Even if the vaccine does not provide an effect against the type present in the patient, it prevents the emergence of different types.

Can HPV Vaccine Be Given to Men?
The HPV vaccine can also be administered to men. It is extremely important to administer this vaccine before the first sexual intercourse of a man or woman. Administering the vaccine to men provides significant benefits in stopping the spread of the virus. The virus is most commonly transmitted from men to women. The types most commonly seen in men are types 6 and 11. Men who have no idea about the disease, refuse to receive treatment, or hide the disease also transmit the virus to their partners. Therefore, adding the HPV vaccine to the routine calendar is also important in terms of protecting public health.

HPV Vaccine Dosage Intervals
The number of doses and intervals of the vaccines vary depending on age. Two doses are administered for ages 9-14; 3 doses are administered for ages 14-26. There should be a 6-month gap between doses for ages 9-14. At ages 14-26, the 2nd dose is administered 2 months after the first dose; and the 3rd dose is administered 6 months after the first dose. There should be at least 3 months between the 3rd dose and the 2nd dose.

Does the Human Papillomavirus Vaccine Provide 100% Protection?
HPV vaccines provide the necessary protection against the type they are produced for for at least 10 years. Studies show that the protection period is longer. People who have received the HPV vaccine should not neglect protection during their active sexual life and medical check-ups in suspicious cases. Especially women should have smear and cervical cancer screening tests after a certain age, even if they are vaccinated. In this way, it becomes possible to diagnose diseases caused by different types of the virus early.

 School age diseases , as the name suggests, are diseases seen in school age children. Children start school life at the earliest at 3 years old and at the latest at 7 years old. In schools, many children study together at the same time. This situation accelerates the spread of infectious diseases among students. It is essential that parents regularly warn and raise awareness of children who cannot show sufficient care in terms of personal hygiene. Teachers and school administration also have a lot of work to do in this process . Preventing school age diseases is also important for the protection of public health.

What Causes School Age Diseases?
School age diseases occur more frequently, especially in the winter months. This is because classrooms are not ventilated enough in the winter months and the immune system becomes more vulnerable to diseases due to the cold weather. In the summer months, the increased consumption of cold drinks along with the increasing temperature triggers throat infections. At the same time, cold symptoms also occur due to sweating and cooling.

What are the Most Common School-Age Diseases?
The most common illnesses in school age include influenza, measles, mumps, intestinal parasites and meningitis. These illnesses do not have the same effect on everyone. Some children experience illnesses quite severely due to their weak constitutions. In some cases, the process is completed without any symptoms or with mild symptoms. The sick child should be taken to a doctor immediately and the most appropriate treatment should be applied under the supervision of a doctor. School should be suspended during the treatment process to prevent the disease from spreading to other students.

Flu: Among the Most Common School-Age Illnesses
Flu is a disease that seriously affects daily life and can be fatal for some people. This disease, which affects many parts of the body with symptoms such as runny nose, fatigue, joint pain, fever and sore throat, mutates every year and affects people in different ways. Since it starts to show its contagious effects before the symptoms appear , flu is among the most common school-age diseases . Antiviral drugs are used during the treatment process. Hospitalization is required in severe cases. The recovery process can be short, while there may be cases where the symptoms last for a long time.

Measles , a rash disease , occurs especially in childhood. Those who have had this disease once become immune. Measles, which is contagious before symptoms appear, spreads more quickly among people in the first days. Although contagiousness decreases over time, it can take up to 14 days for all symptoms to disappear. Symptoms of the disease include fever, cough, and eye inflammation. In severe cases of measles, problems such as pneumonia, brain inflammation, and hearing loss occur.

Mumps, which is among the school-age diseases , manifests itself as swelling in the salivary glands. The swelling that occurs in the salivary glands called parotid also causes different problems such as difficulty swallowing. Inflammation can be observed in the testicles and ovaries during mumps. Inflammation can also be seen in the membrane surrounding the brain and spinal cord. Symptoms of the disease include fatigue, headache and nausea. It is possible to reduce the symptoms of the disease or overcome the disease without symptoms with the mumps vaccine administered in childhood.

Intestinal Parasites
Intestinal parasites are living things that settle in the body and look like worms. There are different types of these creatures such as tapeworms, hookworms, amoebas, and pinworms. Parasites reach the human body in different ways. The disease settles in the body through contact with unwashed fruits and vegetables, undercooked meat, and parasitic animal feces. The disease can also be transmitted from person to person. Parasite eggs reach other people from places touched by a person with parasites in their body and from objects they use. Parasites spread more easily, especially in the family and school environment. Various medications are used during the treatment process.

Perhaps the most dangerous of school-age illnesses is meningitis. Meningitis causes inflammation of the membranes around the brain or spinal cord. Meningitis is caused by different bacteria. The disease can occur due to pneumococci, meningococci, listeria and viral meningitis. There is more than one type of meningitis. The most severe of these is bacterial meningitis. Viral and fungal meningitis, on the other hand, are overcome with milder symptoms. Various medications are used in the treatment of meningitis , which is a contagious disease . The meningitis vaccine administered in childhood is extremely effective in reducing the incidence of the disease.

 Toothpaste is one of the most important materials required for personal oral care for dental health. Therefore, toothpaste is as important as toothbrush in brushing teeth. It is also very important to brush teeth correctly, for a sufficient time and in sufficient numbers, as well as toothbrush and toothpaste. Otherwise, toothpaste alone may be ineffective for oral hygiene.

What is Toothpaste Used For?
Just as we can easily clean our oily hands by washing them with soap, we can say that toothpaste is the soap of our teeth. Thanks to the surface tension reducing and foaming agents it contains, it allows food residues and bacterial plaque to be cleaned more easily from the teeth. During brushing, food residues and dental plaques that are lifted from the tooth surface by the mechanical effect of the brush are mixed with the foam of the paste and are expelled from the mouth.

There are toothpastes produced in various colors. Bleeding gums that may occur during tooth brushing are more easily noticed with toothpastes that are not red in tone and especially white in color. It is easier to notice gum diseases or bleeding gums that may occur with excessive tooth brushing.

What are the toothpaste recommendations?
It is beneficial for the toothpaste to be white. Because bleeding gums that may occur during tooth brushing are more easily noticed with white-colored toothpastes. Thus, it is easier to notice gum diseases.

Toothpastes that have a nice smell and create a feeling of freshness in the mouth can be preferred as they make brushing teeth more enjoyable. Fruit-flavored toothpastes are especially liked by children.

After long-term use of toothpastes containing disinfectant substances, such as 10-15 days, dirty yellow discoloration on the tongue surfaces and temporary decreases in the sense of taste may occur due to the effect of the disinfectant substance chlorhexidine.

It is claimed that regular use of toothpastes with added fluoride reduces tooth decay by 30 percent. Fluoride settles on the uppermost surface of the tooth enamel and protects the teeth against acids containing bacteria.

Some toothpastes contain abrasive substances to remove tea, coffee and cigarette stains. In order for these substances not to damage tooth enamel, they must be in very low amounts and their particle sizes must be very small. These types of pastes, which are said to be whitening or smoker (for smokers), have a higher abrasiveness to tooth enamel than normal pastes. Therefore, long-term use wears down tooth enamel, destroying its smoothness and shine.

What Should We Pay Attention to When Choosing Toothpaste?

The quality and properties of the toothpaste used are important.

Especially those who have tartar and are prone to tartar formation should be careful to choose toothpaste that has anti-tartar properties.

It is beneficial for people whose teeth are prone to decay to choose toothpastes containing fluoride .

A paste with different properties should be chosen from time to time to ensure that the teeth benefit from the different ingredients in each paste.

Toothpastes that give a feeling of freshness to the mouth may also be a reason for preference.

Products such as toothpaste, whitener or mouthwash that are used once a week to strengthen the gums should not be used for a long time without consulting a dentist. A dentist can help you choose the right toothpaste .

 Strabismus in children is a condition that causes both lazy eye and aesthetic problems. The eyes are our organs that are aligned with each other and look in the same direction. When this alignment is disrupted, the places where the two eyes look differ and an aesthetically disturbing image emerges. This condition is called strabismus. Strabismus can be congenital or a disease that can develop later. It can be easily diagnosed at any age. Strabismus, which becomes permanent even if it is not treated, also has a psychological dimension because it negatively affects the external appearance. Strabismus can be treated with surgery in the newborn period or in early childhood . For this reason, parents should be careful for early diagnosis because sometimes the deviation in the eyes is very small and it becomes difficult to understand the problem.

How to Understand Strabismus in Children?

In children, a strabismus is a sufficient finding for the diagnosis of strabismus. If the strabismus is too small to be noticed, it is also possible to understand the disease with symptoms such as tilting the head forward, squinting with one eye in sunny weather, and blurred vision. Problems such as vision loss and double vision may also accompany the disease in children with strabismus. At the same time, daily life may be disrupted due to headaches and eye pain.

How is Strabismus Treated in Children?

There may not be an immediate need for surgical intervention in strabismus treatment . Depending on the progression of the disease and the age of the patient, different treatments are preferred by the doctor. Eyeglass treatment is one of the most frequently preferred methods. In cases of accommodative strabismus, that is, strabismus that is corrected with glasses, there is no need for surgical treatment. If correction cannot be achieved with glasses, surgical treatment option is applied. The patient uses glasses after the surgical operation.

Covering treatment for strabismus is also one of the methods used. The eye with the least vision loss is covered with pads for certain periods during the day. In this way, the eye with low vision is made to work more actively. Glasses and cover treatment can be applied at the same time.

Causes of Strabismus in Children

The main reason why the eyes squint in different directions is due to weakness in the eye muscles. As a result of an abnormal work in all or some of the muscles, the eyes lose their alignment. The causes of strabismus in children can also be different diseases. Stroke, brain tumor, Down syndrome and diabetes can cause the problem. There may be a genetic transition in children whose mother and father have strabismus. For this reason, people who have a history of strabismus in their past should not neglect their children's eye checks from infancy.

What Happens If Strabismus in Children Is Not Treated?

Strabismus is not a disease that goes away on its own and must be treated by an eye specialist. If left untreated, both the aesthetic appearance of the eyes and the vision loss will become permanent. Vision loss can reach more advanced levels over time. Therefore, you should take your child to a doctor as soon as you notice the slightest deviation in the eye and a vision complaint.

Does Looking at Your Phone Too Much Cause Strabismus?

It is not possible to say that the use of mobile phones and tablets directly causes strabismus, but it can be said that it causes various eye defects. Children who spend a significant part of the day in front of a tablet or phone may develop vision defects such as myopia due to eye muscle fatigue. For this reason, you should keep your children away from phones and tablets until the age of 3; after this age, you should allow them to use them at certain intervals for a maximum of one hour per day.

Is Strabismus Normal in Newborn Babies?

In newborn babies, squinting can be considered normal for a certain period of time. This situation disappears as the baby's mobility develops. If squinting does not go away within a few months, it is useful to take your baby to a doctor.

Flirting refers to the behaviors that a person exhibits when attempting to form a romantic relationship with another person. These behaviors usually involve a noticeable, playful, and sometimes gentle approach. Flirting involves using a variety of gestures, speech patterns, and body language to attract the other person's attention.

The art of flirting is the general name for the skills and strategies a person uses in the process of starting or maintaining a romantic relationship. These skills include communication skills, empathy, emotional intelligence, body language, humor, self-confidence, and other social skills. The art of flirting also includes flirty behaviors, but is not limited to flirty behaviors. The art of flirting is a broader concept and can be used at every stage of the relationship process.

That is, flirty behavior is only a part of the flirting process, and the art of flirting speaks of a broader perspective of this process. The art of flirting encompasses many aspects, such as initiating a relationship, maintaining it, communicating, resolving conflicts, and more.

Examples of Flirty Behavior

It is actually very easy to spot flirty behaviors, all you need to do is pay a little attention. Examples of flirty behaviors are:

Gestures and Forms of Expression:

  • Wink: Can be used to show interest or convey a playful message.
  • Smile: It is a gesture frequently used to create a friendly and attractive atmosphere.
  • Gentle touches: Gestures such as shrugging shoulders and light touching can be used to increase physical contact with the other party.


  • Telling jokes: Communicating using humor can make the relationship more fun.
  • Speak slowly and sweetly: You can create a romantic atmosphere by softening the tone of voice or emphasizing certain words.
  • Compliments: Praising the other person and sharing your positive thoughts about them are important for flirty communication.

Body Language:

  • Making eye contact: By making eye contact with the other party, you can establish a deep connection and show your interest.
  • Play with body language: Maintaining a relaxed posture can project confidence and make you look attractive.
  • Playing with hair: Gently fixing or playing with your hair can be a flirty signal.

Tips on How to Be Flirty

  • Be natural: Don't try hard to be flirty, maintain your natural behavior.
  • Mutual communication: Pay attention to the reactions of the other party and allow them to respond to you.
  • Don't overstep the boundaries: Being flirty can be fun, but it's important not to overstep the other person's boundaries.
  • Sincerity: Be sincere and express your true feelings, artificial behavior can create distrust in the other party.

The Most Flirty Zodiac Signs

For astrology enthusiasts, if we make a brief evaluation about the flirting styles of the zodiac signs and the most flirtatious zodiac signs, the most flirtatious zodiac signs are as follows;

  • Leo (July 23 - August 22): Leos have a natural talent for flirting with their charismatic and eye-catching personalities. They like to impress the other party with romantic gestures and enthusiastic expressions.
  • Libra (September 23 - October 22): Libras have a balanced approach to romantic relationships because they seek harmony and balance. They impress those around them with their elegance and aesthetic sense.
  • Gemini (May 21 - June 20): Geminis are successful in flirting with their intelligent and witty personalities. They can easily impress the person they meet with their talkativeness and humor.
  • Scorpio (October 23 - November 21): Scorpios are very effective at flirting with their mysterious and passionate nature. They are known for their ability to deeply understand and connect with the other party. They prefer to establish intense emotional bonds and can make flirting a profound experience. Scorpios are interested in the emotional and mental depths of the other party and aim to establish a sincere and intense bond during the flirting process.

The Result of Being Flirty

Flirting behaviors play an exciting and fun role in the beginning of a romantic relationship. They can increase the interaction between the two parties and strengthen mutual interest and commitment. However, since the purpose of flirting behaviors is usually to establish a romantic relationship, whether these behaviors continue or deepen depends on the natural development of the relationship.

Being flirty is a great way to improve communication skills, boost self-confidence, and gain experience in romantic relationships. However, it is important to always act with respect and honesty.

Not being able to sleep at night or insomnia is a common problem that many people face today. Insomnia can be defined as the inability to fall asleep, stay asleep, and not resting enough. This problem can negatively affect a person's daily life, energy, mood, and general health. This article will provide detailed information about the symptoms, causes, and treatment methods of insomnia.

Insomnia Symptoms

Symptoms of insomnia can vary from person to person, but commonly include:

  • Difficulty Falling Asleep: Not being able to fall asleep despite being tired.
  • Frequent Nighttime Waking: Waking up frequently throughout the night and not being able to fall back asleep.
  • Early Waking: Waking up very early in the morning and not being able to fall back asleep.
  • Non-Restorative Sleep: Poor quality of sleep and not feeling rested in the morning.
  • Daytime Fatigue: Feeling constantly tired and exhausted throughout the day.
  • Difficulty Concentrating: Difficulty concentrating and forgetfulness during the day.
  • Irritability and Mood Swings: Increased irritability and mood swings.
  • Relying on Sleeping Pills or Alcohol: Constantly using sleeping pills or alcohol to fall asleep.

Causes of Insomnia

Insomnia can have many different causes, and these causes are often interconnected. Here are the main ones:

Emotional and Psychological Reasons

  • Stress: Life stressors such as work, school, health or family problems can make it difficult to sleep.
  • Anxiety: Daily worries, concerns about the future, or traumatic events can make it hard to fall asleep.
  • Depression: Depression can cause both insomnia and hypersomnia.
  • Other Emotional Issues: Other emotional issues such as anger, sadness, grief, and trauma can also contribute to insomnia.

Medical Reasons

  • Chronic Diseases: Medical conditions such as asthma, allergies, Parkinson's disease, hyperthyroidism, acid reflux, kidney disease and cancer can cause insomnia.
  • Chronic Pain: Chronic pain conditions such as arthritis or fibromyalgia can reduce sleep quality.
  • Sleep Disorders: Sleep disorders such as sleep apnea, restless legs syndrome and circadian rhythm disorders can also lead to insomnia.


  • Prescription Medications: Antidepressants, ADHD medications, corticosteroids, thyroid hormones and some blood pressure medications can cause sleep problems.
  • Over-the-counter medications: Cold and flu medications, painkillers containing caffeine, and some weight-loss pills can cause insomnia.

Lifestyle and Habits

  • Caffeine and Alcohol Consumption: Caffeine and alcohol can disrupt sleep patterns and cause insomnia.
  • Irregular Sleeping Habits: Irregular sleeping and waking hours can disrupt the biological clock and lead to insomnia.
  • Stimulating Activities Before Bedtime: Eating heavy meals, exercising or using electronic devices before bedtime can negatively affect sleep.

Insomnia Treatment

In treating insomnia, it is important to determine the underlying causes and make lifestyle changes. Here are the methods to cope with insomnia:

Behavioral and Lifestyle Changes

  • Regular Sleep Schedule: Going to bed and waking up at the same time every day regulates your biological clock.
  • Proper Sleep Environment: Make sure your room is quiet, dark and cool. Use sound machines or earplugs to mask disturbing sounds.
  • Relaxation Before Bed: Do some relaxing activities before going to bed. Reading a book or listening to soft music can be helpful.
  • Avoid Electronic Devices: Turn off all screens at least an hour before bed. The blue light emitted by electronic devices can disrupt melatonin production, making it harder to fall asleep.
  • Avoid Caffeine and Alcohol: Avoid caffeine and alcohol at least six hours before bedtime.
  • Limit Naps: Avoid napping during the day or take short naps before 3 p.m.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

  • CBT is an effective treatment for insomnia. This therapy helps change negative thoughts and behaviors related to sleep. CBT may include sleep hygiene education, sleep restriction, and relaxation techniques.

Drug Therapy

  • Medications can sometimes be used to treat insomnia. However, these medications are usually for short-term use and should not be used without consulting a doctor. Prescription sleeping pills or melatonin supplements may be considered as temporary solutions.

Inability to sleep at night or insomnia is a problem that negatively affects the quality of life of many people. Understanding the symptoms, causes and treatment methods of insomnia is an important step in dealing with this problem. Making lifestyle changes, paying attention to sleep hygiene and getting professional help when necessary can help you achieve a healthy sleep pattern. If your insomnia problem persists, it is recommended that you consult a sleep specialist.