How many liters of paint are used when painting? Tips for whitewashing at home

One of the biggest problems encountered when painting the house is how many liters of paint will be used. You can find how many liters of paint you will use with small mathematical calculations. How many liters of paint are used in painting in today's article? We give all the details about the tricks of whitewashing at home.

Having the house empty for painting and whitewashing makes your work a lot easier. However, if you have items, you can plan accordingly. Gather your things together and cover them with a paint protection cover with canvas. After collecting the items, cover the remaining empty floors and floors in the same way with floor protection tarpaulins so that paint does not drop or splash on the floors during painting, in the same way that the floors are not contaminated and stained. If you want to paint your house yourself, the most important thing you need to do is to decide how many liters of paint you will buy. Because if you cannot decide correctly how many liters of paint you need to use, you may encounter some problems during painting. Before making a calculation of how much paint goes to a house, it is necessary to know exactly how to paint whitewash.. Thinking as 3 coats for wall painting will help us give the right result.

-  Learn meter strip yourself first. Then measure the walls carefully and across the length and width of the walls.

- Then calculate how many square meters your walls are with a little math calculation. To do this, you'll need to multiply the numbers that appear when you measure your wall and add them. Let's say you measured your wall and its width is 3 meters and its length is 5 meters. The length of your other wall is 3 and its width is 3. 5x3 = 15 3x3 = 9, 15 + 15 + 3 + 3 = 48 square meters.


- After calculating the square meter of the walls, it is time to take how many liters of paint should be taken. Generally, the paints sold in the market are sold in 2.5, 7.5 and 15 liters. Accordingly, 2.5 liters of paint paint an area of ​​10-15 square meters. A 7.5 lire paint paints an area of ​​20-30 square meters. If you are going to paint an area such as 60-90 square meters, you need to buy 15 liters of paint.

- If you are going to paint your ceiling, a 17.5 liter paint can paint the ceiling of a 90 square meter house in 2 coats.

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