How to Care and Cleaning Leather Shoes?

Genuine leather shoes are preferred because they are comfortable to wear, but the maintenance and cleaning methods are because they will wear because the necessary maintenance and cleaning is not done.

Care of Leather Shoes

The winter and autumn seasons cover the months that cause genuine leather shoes to be damaged. If these shoes are cleaned after each wear, you will be able to use them for a long time. However, if you do not take care of leather shoes after use, it will cause deformation. Once a week, if you paint the leather shoes and perform the necessary polishing, you will prevent scratches, deformation and the spread of unpleasant odors. You should pay attention to the following points in leather shoe care:

  • Every time you wear your shoes, when you come home, they should be wiped with a slightly damp cloth or a sponge specially produced for shoes. It is necessary to be sensitive in cleaning the leather part and the sole parts;
  • You should dry it with a wet cloth or if your shoes get wet in the winter, using a cotton or flannel fabric;
  • If the shoes get very wet, they should be dried using natural methods. Let it dry spontaneously at room temperature;
  • You should avoid situations such as a hair dryer or putting it on the comb to dry.

It causes a matte appearance after every wetting and drying with natural methods. In this case, it should be restored to its former shine by using specially produced shoe polish. In addition, applying polish or shoe cream on your shoes at least twice a week ensures that the shoes have a brighter and more beautiful appearance. There are special sprays specially produced for leather shoes.

While these sprays should be used three or four times a week in rainy weather, applying and polishing them once a month in normal weather will be an effective method to extend the life of shoes.

Shining Leather Shoes

  • 500 grams of water;
  • 1 tablespoon of baby shampoo;
  • 1 teaspoon of ammonia.

Leather shoes need to shine to look good. Since it will lose its meaning if it does not shine, if you maintain it with the above materials once a week, it will get enough brightness. There are polishers produced specifically for a leather to shine. However, these will not be taken by most people due to their high cost. You can also perform special care with the materials we have written above. First, baby shampoo should be put in half a liter of warm water and it should be foamed by adding ammonia on it. In case of foaming, the process you will do will be to make use of a sponge.

It must first be immersed in water and vigorously squeezed out the excess water. Then you need to take some of the foam on the upper part and apply it to the leather part of your shoe. Before doing this, it is effective to apply the dust of your shoes with a wet cloth.

The foam should be left for 5 minutes and then the necessary shine will be given by wiping with a clean and slightly damp cloth.

Preventing Drying of the Skin

  • 1 tablespoon of castor oil;
  • 1 teaspoon of glycerin.

It should be known that with the drying of leather shoes, cracks may occur. Since this situation will occur frequently in genuine leather shoes, you should apply the maintenance to prevent it. It is recommended to buy castor oil and glycerin from herbalists first in order to apply its care. It is always easy to prepare and use this method, which is among the preferences of many people.

First, you should put castor oil in a glass bowl and then mix it by adding 1 teaspoon of glycerin into it. Since you will prepare the mixture with vegetable oils, you should know that you will prevent your shoes from drying and also prevent them from deforming by cracking. If a clean and previously unused sponge is applied to the mixture and applied to the shoe with gentle movements, you will prevent it from drying.

Cleaning Leather Shoes

  • 1 tea glass of warm water;
  • 1 teaspoon of soda;
  • 1 teaspoon of baking powder;
  • Sponge.

It should be mixed by adding soda and baking powder into warm water. First of all, a cloth that has a microfiber feature and is more effective in cleaning than other cloths should be moistened. Be careful not to get too wet. You should wipe the shoes and remove their dust. The sponge should be dipped in the mixture you have made and squeezed very well.

Start wiping the leather with the sponge. Especially in the winter months, you can clean your constantly contaminated shoes this way.

Toothpaste and Powder

  • 1 tablespoon of toothpaste;
  • 1 teaspoon of powder;
  • Microfiber cloth;
  • Sponge;
  • Brush.
You should apply your real leather shoes in white color as a cleaning method. First of all, you should put toothpaste and powder in the bowl. After mixing, you should brush the contaminated areas of your shoes, which you previously wiped with a damp cloth, with a brush with bristles or with a toothbrush. The dirt stain will come out in a short time. White shoes cause faster staining. For this reason, you can use it as a method of removing black dark spots. The sponge should be moistened and wiped. The shoe will be cleaned by wiping with the cloth last.

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