Hyperactivity in children. Symptoms

The concept of "naughty child", "child who does not look at the word", which is one of the fundamental problems of the time, is actually accepted as a special diagnosis in psychology.

Complaints such as "My child is ruining everything", "he does not care about my words", "the lesson is not working", "poor memory" are not caused by the child's "lack of education". In psychology, this type of behavior is known mainly as hyperactivity.

Hyperactivity is a condition in which a person is overactive, unable to control their behavior, and cannot concentrate for a long time. Hyperactivity is a genetic factor that is mainly inherited from the paternal lineage, but there are cases where it crosses the maternal line. However, a problematic birth, infection of the mother or child affects the sensitive nervous system of the child in the first year of life, causing minimal brain dysfunction (hyperactive child syndrome). Scientists claim it lacks chemicals called "neurotransmitters" that help control behavior in the brain.

There are 3 main symptoms of hyperactivity:
    Lack of attention

Excessive mobility - they are extremely mobile, cannot stand still, run around the house, climb somewhere. They don't like quiet activities. In short, hyperactive children do not differ in time and space, they are active anytime, anywhere.

Impulsivity - cannot hide their emotions, do not think about their actions, do not compare the "negative" and "positive" aspects. They act without thinking, and this can pose many dangers. Thus, they can climb a very tall tree, cross the road without looking around, etc. They are in a hurry, disturb others, interfere with everything, do not like to wait in line.

Lack of attention - they are unable to concentrate on a point, have difficulty studying, are easily distracted and often lose their belongings. There are situations such as not listening to what is in front of you and avoiding the subject. It was not planned to work.

There are 3 degrees of severe hyperactivity:
        Grade hyperactivity is the only symptom, that is, the child has excessive activity, impulsivity or attention deficit.

        Grade hyperactivity has 2 or 3 symptoms, but these symptoms do not slow the brain down.

        There are 3 signs of degree hyperactivity and parallel brain lag.

If you have noticed one or more of these symptoms in your child, it is better to consult a specialist. Parents should be very patient with such children, talk about their strengths and abilities, and praise them when they do a good job. Tell your child not only what to do, but also what to do. A hyperactive child always needs moral support and wants to be successful like any other child. However, this is not always the case. Therefore, parents should be aware that such children will only engage in activities that interest them.

And finally, let's not compare our children with other children anyway, let's not make a difference between them, let's take into account that every child is a genius.

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