What are the Contagion Methods and Ways of Getting Rid of Lice?

What are the methods of preventing and getting rid of lice, known as a blood-sucking parasite, in animals or humans?

How Are Lice Transmitted?

There is no rule in the general public that lice will only occur in people who are dirty and do not comply with their hygiene. It can also be seen in people who always pay close attention to their cleanliness. It is not only seen in humans, but also in animals and your household items. Remember that lice, a bloodsucking parasite, do not like to live in polluted areas. He always prefers to be on clean hair, clean scalp and skin.

Lice will most commonly infect humans for the following reasons:

  • Lice will be transmitted when infected people use the items they use. Especially when a person with lice combines his / her hair;
  • Using areas open to the public: using public transport, train stations, bathrooms or changing rooms;
  • From educational institutions;
  • Places where water is abundant due to living in water;
  • Using other people's bed.

Areas where lice live are mostly on the scalp. Apart from these, it is also seen in beards, genital areas, clothes and things. In case of lice, the following symptoms are seen:

  • Severe itching;
  • the presence of visible bites;
  • The appearance of lice cubs called vinegar in white.

It will not be right to panic if the parasite is found. The region where it is located is mostly seen in the hair of children. Instead of scraping your hair, it is possible to get rid of lice with appropriate methods.

Salt and Alcohol

  • 1 tablespoon of salt;
  • 1 tea glass of water;
  • 1 cup of alcohol.

It has been a preferred method to get rid of lice among the public for a long time. The first process to be done for this will be to procure the materials listed above. Then, in order to dissolve the salt, warm water should be prepared first and then salt should be added into it. Melt it by mixing and add alcohol on it and mix. We said that lice love clean areas very much. For this reason, it will be more effective to apply this application when your hair is dirty. It is recommended to pour this mixture in a way that is suitable for your scalp before wetting your hair.

It is recommended that you comb your hair with slow movements with a comb with fine gaps that will reach your scalp. Dead lice will fall off. If the lice are still living, you should press down with your finger and eliminate them.

Honey Cranberry Juice

  • 1 tablespoon of honey;
  • 1 glass of cranberry juice.

You should not apply honey and cranberry juice for lice. You need to use it for the vinegar known as lice cubs. For this, you need to add 1 tablespoon of strained honey. Then, if your hair is too long in the amount of 1 glass on it, it will be possible to increase this amount even more. You have to mix and let the honey melt. First of all, you should open your hair that you have combed with fine comb tips. Then apply this mixture on dry hair to the roots and leave it on for 2 hours by covering your head with nylon. Before washing, you should comb your hair several times.

Wash the comb very well every time you comb. After that, you should wash your hair with normal hair shampoo.

Geranium Oil and Shampoo

  • 2 tablespoons of geranium oil;
  • 2 tablespoons of shampoo.
It is known as an effective method for those who have lice. In addition, it will be an effective solution to try this application if it is found in your body. For this, first of all, you should put the shampoo you are using in a bowl around 2 tablespoons and mix it by pouring geranium oil on it. Apply this mixture on your hair and massage the scalp with plenty of water for 3 hours. However, it is important to comb your hair before washing. Since these lice and nits will also be effective in removing them from your hair, it is recommended that you wash your hair in this way while washing your hair.

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