Do Cats Distinguish Males and Females?

Do Our Cute Friends Cats Distinguish Between Males and Females?
Since cats are very intelligent and love to study, they can easily record everything in their memory. In particular, their sense of curiosity, behavior and perception capacity are more developed than other animals. Sometimes cats act like they don't know orders and rules, but you should know that they actually do this on purpose. In other words, they are aware of everything, they hear you very well, but they do not want to communicate because they do not want to. Whether it's a street cat or a house cat, when an entity approaches them, they distinguish whether it's an animal or a human.

For example, a bird, dog, rabbit, hedgehog, insect, etc. near the cat. It realizes this when living things approach and if it senses danger, it takes itself under protection. If the cat is approaching a human, it senses the situation, and if it is an unloved cat, it immediately runs away. Cats don't attack people out of the blue, but they can attack other animals. This is because they can distinguish between animals and humans . So, do cats distinguish between male and female genders? Let's try to learn.

Do Cats Understand Humans?
Stray cats can distinguish each person from each other as they are a little closer to humans. In fact, it would be more accurate to say that they do this with their noses rather than their eyes. Since cats' sense of smell is very developed compared to other animals, they leave a scent gland on the person they go to, and they can recognize that person immediately when they see it, even after months.

We can think like this; When twins love the same cat, they can distinguish each other by their scent, even though they may look the same to the cat's eye. Thanks to the light receptors in the eyes of cats, they can see the environment, people, colors and other animals differently. Their retinas and eye structures are perfectly created, just as written in the Meowlio cat blog. In fact, when cats focus on a place in a dark environment, they follow the fluff or dust with their eyes. As a result, we can say that cats distinguish people from each other thanks to their eyes and noses.

Do Cats Distinguish Males and Females?
Since the facial features of men and women are different from each other, we can easily distinguish their gender when we see a short-haired woman or a long-haired man. Did you know that this feature is also found in cats? For example, when there are men and women in the house, they may perceive that the two people are very different even though it takes a long time to distinguish each other.

Since the facial features of males are more rigid and distinct than females, the cat records this in its memory and can know who is male or female. Because cats see our faces in pale and transparent color, they may think that every person is the same, but the more people they see, the more they can realize that there is a difference between them. There are two ways we can learn how cats perceive our gender;

Gender Discrimination with Visual Memory
Especially if you are a woman or a man living at home; You also help your cat to distinguish it because you introduce the man living in your house with the figure of " father " by constantly using sentences such as "play with your father, go to your father, your father is here, etc." . Likewise, if the man living at home uses sentences like "play with your mother, etc." for you, your cat will communicate accordingly, knowing that you are a woman and a mother . Using his visual memory, he can distinguish the gender of men and women. As controversial as this topic is, most people believe that cats can really distinguish between the sexes.

Sex Separation by Scent
Although most people think that cats can't distinguish between male and female genders, you might think that because they are very intelligent animals. Just as we recognize people with our eyes, cats recognize us by our smell and come to us. After recording the smell of the man-woman living in the house in his nose and brain, he can distinguish each other by their smells.

You may even witness that your cat sometimes comes to you, rubbing or licking. In fact, during this time, it leaves you its own scent and takes your scent on itself, that is, it changes the scents. In this way, it can distinguish the gender of the people living in the house based on its olfactory memory. We can say that cats achieve this by using their 50% eye and 50% scent abilities .

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