Let Walking Be Not Torment, Let Your Pain Gone: What Is Good For Heel Spurs?

If you are one of those who suffer from heel spurs, which is one of the most common health problems, or if a relative is trying to cope with this problem, approach immediately. Today, "What is good for heel spurs?", "How to get heel spurs?" We will talk to you about natural solutions that will come to the rescue of those who think.

It is useful to take a look at these methods, especially if you feel a constant pain or pain in your heel when you walk too much and you do not want to even get up from your place.

Of course, when you have a heel spur problem, you should consult your doctor quickly and act in accordance with his recommendations. With your doctor's approval, you can try the following natural methods. But let's be warned from the beginning: You should never apply any method that your doctor has not approved, let's say oh my.

What causes heel spurs?
Before we start explaining how heel spurs pass, it is useful to learn about the causes of this problem. The most common known causes of heel spurs, which can occur due to many reasons, are as follows:
Injuries to muscle and connective tissue
Overloading the feet, especially the heels
Obesity or overweight
Wrong choice of shoes/slippers (Using non-orthopedic shoes and slippers)
Wrong exercises (incorrect running and jumping movements)
be flat-footed
advanced age
Various diseases such as low back rheumatism or diabetes

What is good for heel spurs?
Now that we have learned the causes of heel spurs, let's move on to the more curious part, namely "How does heel spur go away?" to find an answer to the question. You are expected below to examine the materials and methods that are said to be good for heel spurs. However, we would like to repeat the warnings you made at the beginning: You should not use these methods without consulting your doctor and without his approval, and you should never go beyond your doctor's word. Remember, a method that is good for some people may not be good for you, and your doctor knows best.

Evaporating ointment and honey cure
The first of the practical solutions that are said to be very good for heel spurs is a mixture of evaporating ointment and honey. "What is evaporating ointment? that stuck in our memory with their menthol aroma. For more detailed information, see:

Homemade Evaporating Ointment Recipe
Returning to our topic, mix 1 tablespoon of evaporating ointment with 1 teaspoon of honey and apply it to the painful area and cover it with cling film. In this way, sleep and wake up for 1 night and clean your feet well when you wake up. Do this every night for 7 to 10 days, depending on your pain condition. You will notice that your pain is relieved.

Chili peppers and raisins
Start by preparing your seeds and black raisins and chili peppers. In the first three days of this cure, which will last for a total of 9 days, beat about 10-15 raisins with their seeds and put them on the painful area, wrap them in cling film and wear your socks, sleep like this. When you wake up in the morning, remove the raisins and wrap the raisins on the painful area for 3 days in this way. Then, crush the chili pepper in a mortar and apply it to your feet in the same way for 3 days. In the last 3 days, mix the paprika and raisins with seeds and crush them together in a mortar. Apply this mixture to the painful area. At the end of a total of 9 days, you will notice that your pain is gone.

Dried Onion Cure
Boil and crush 1 onion and wait for it to cool at room temperature. Then spread this onion puree on the painful area and cover your feet with a clean bag or cling film, then put on your socks and sleep like this at night. When you get up in the morning, wash and rinse your feet well with soap and water. Apply this process for 7 to 10 days depending on the condition of your pain.

Thyme cure
Pour the hot water into a bucket or basin large enough to wash your feet. Add about 1 teaspoon of dried thyme to the water and wait for the water to cool. When the water is warm, put your feet in this water and wait for 30-40 minutes. You can repeat this process until your pain is relieved.

You can also get support in this process from lemons, which is one of the foods that are strong in terms of antioxidants. Put a freshly cut lemon slice on the painful area and wrap it with a bandage, bag or cloth and put on your socks. When you sleep like this and wake up in the morning, remove the lemon slice. Continue this process for an average of 7 to 10 days, depending on the condition of your pain. You will notice that the pain has subsided.

You can also get support from ice to reduce the pain in your heel. You can apply ice to the aching area for about 15 minutes and do this up to 3-4 times a day. However, be careful, as your feet may get cold due to ice and this may cause diseases such as colds, it is useful to choose this application in hot weather and make sure that you do not get cold.

In order to relieve the pain caused by the heel spur, it is important that you regularly do the exercises that your doctor will recommend to you. One of the commonly recommended exercise methods is as follows: Grab a plastic bottle or a rounded material such as a ball or roller under your feet and start rolling it from your heels to your toes. Do this practice for about 5 minutes. Repeat 4-5 times a day if needed. If you want to benefit from the effect of ice, you can fill the plastic bottle with ice water.

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