Fruits that pregnant women should avoid

While most fruits are nutrient-rich, some of the fruits such as black grapes, papaya, and pineapple may be shunned for the following reasons:

should be avoided during Here are those fruits;
Fruiits That AreNot good for pre-gnant w-o-m-e-n

Papaya: The latex content in unripe or semi-ripe papayas can cause uterine contractions and premature delivery. Avoid consumption of papaya during pregnancy.

Pineapple: Pineapple contains bromelain, which can soften the cervix and cause premature birth.

Black grapes: Avoid black grapes in the first trimester as they generate body heat which can be harmful to the baby. However, dried black raisins are good for constipation in the first days of pregnancy, but be careful to consume raisins in moderation.

How much fruit should a pregnant woman consume?
It is recommended to include two to four servings of fruit in your diet daily during pregnancy. You can consume them fresh, canned, squeezed or dried, but try to eat fresh fruits with pulp whenever possible. Some fruits equivalent to a single serving include:

One medium fruit, such as an apple, banana, or pear, equals a single serving, but two small kiwis and apricots or plums are also equal to a single serving.

1 medium slice of watermelon is a single serving.
If you want to consume juice, half a glass of juice is considered equal to a single serving.

Tips for easily adding fruit to your diet during pregnancy

You can consume sliced ​​or frozen fruit mixed with yogurt or cereal or oats for breakfast.

You can add apples, grapes or raisins to salads as a pre-lunch snack.

If you don't have time or energy to slice the fruit, you can mix the fruit with yogurt or milk to make a smoothie or milk shake.

You can add dried or fresh fruit when you make oatmeal, pancakes, and waffles.

The best option is to have a bowl of fruit close at hand where you can always see it, whether at home or at work. So you don't forget to eat fruit.

Always consider dried fruit or berries such as grapes and berries so that you eat fruit instead of junk food.

You can also bake a fruitcake or desserts, add many fruits such as kiwi and strawberries. This is a delicious and loving way to add fruit to your diet.

The fruits we recommend to eat during pregnancy will benefit your baby and your health without any problems during the nine months of pregnancy. So, make sure to include them in your diet and have a healthy pregnancy.

Things to consider when consuming fruit during pregnancy

Take care to consume organic fruits as much as possible.

Wash the fruit thoroughly before consuming it.

When storing fresh fruit in the refrigerator, keep it away from raw meat.

Do not consume and remove rotten areas where bacteria can hide from the fruit.

Avoid eating pre-cut fruit, always use freshly cut or peeled fruit.

Fruits contain plenty of nutrients and serve as a tasty and healthy snack during pregnancy. It nourishes the mother as well as the child and helps you stay both healthy and happy.

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