Don't Let Foot Odor Turn Your Life into a Nightmare! Here are Golden Recommendations for Foot Odor

Are you suffering from foot odor? Does foot odor reduce your standard of living anymore? Don't be sad. This news will come to you like medicine. What is foot odor, why does it occur? What are the ways to deal with foot odor? The answers to all your questions are hidden in our news.

With the slow warming of the weather, the general problem of many of us began to manifest itself in foot odor. So what is foot odor? Foot odor; In fact, it occurs due to foot sweating. Sweat is normally odorless. But sweaty damp feet stay closed during the day and occur when bacteria build up. So much so that foot odor affects a person's self-confidence, friend circle and social life, as well as significantly affecting his psychology. Stress, diabetes, thyroid disease, menopause and genetic factors also affect foot odor. We can get rid of foot odor with very simple applications at home.

- Do not use someone else's socks, shoes, slippers. In this way, you put your own foot health at risk. This can cause fungal growth on the skin of your feet.

- Do not use nylon stockings and nylon shoes. Since your feet will sweat more when using nylon products, it will cause odor. So remove nylon stockings and shoes from your life.

- Avoid wearing tight shoes. It will cause odor as it will make your feet squeezing and uncomfortable, as well as sweating.

- Don't forget to change your socks daily.

- Do not wear the same shoes over and over.

- Make sure that your feet do not stay moist after the bath.

- Make sure to ventilate your shoes when you take them off.


- If you put the shoes you put on and leave them in the sun, the sun will destroy the bacteria in the shoes.

- You can rub your feet with Vaseline at night.

- You can put mothballs in your shoes overnight.

- If you have calluses on your feet, you can use a callus stone after a bath.

- Wash and dry your feet before going to sleep. Apply powder on your feet.

- Do not throw away the tea bags after consuming them. Put your tea bags inside your shoes.

- Rub your feet with lemon juice.

- Put vinegar and water in a basin and soak your feet in it.

- 2 tablespoons of St. John's Wort plant is thrown into 1 liter of water and sweaty feet can be washed with this water.

- You can use sprays for foot odor sold in cosmetic markets.

- Increase citrus consumption. Citrus; It is invaluable as it cleanses the toxins that contribute to body odours.

- You can apply lavender oil to your feet.

- Studies have shown that zinc deficiency is one of the most important causes of foot odor. Foods high in zinc such as oysters, crab, lobster, and wheat germ can reduce foot odor.

- Do not neglect your foot health. Consult your doctor when necessary.

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