This Cream Removes Both Stains and Wrinkles in 1 Week!

This Cream Removes Both Stains and Wrinkles in 1 Week! Here is the Miracle Botox Cream Recipe That Will Make You 10 Years Younger.

Everyone wants to get rid of wrinkles and crow's feet on their face. In order to have a tense and smooth face, we can spend big money and lie on the knife table. While some facelift and botox procedures do not offer permanent solutions, some methods can cause serious damage to the face. Forget all the facelift methods you know now. You will be safer with the botox cream recipe we will give you. Here is the homemade botox cream recipe that will bring baby skin.

Botox, which is one of the most applied methods among facial rejuvenation procedures, is highly preferred by women and men. The beautification method with the liquid injected into the face with a needle without the need for major operations is generally not long-lasting. Botox, which has a lifespan of 1 year to 6 months, can turn our lives into a nightmare. As long as it is not done in safe hands, you do not need to go to beauty salons for botox, which is a threat. You can make the world's most effective botox cream at home with simple ingredients. Here is the making of Botox cream, which brings you back to your 20s with nature's miracle nutrients.

Thanks to this cream that you will make with natural products at home, you will have a wonderful skin that will get rid of all the wrinkles on your face. Botox cream, which creates a collagen effect, will peel your face and reveal your vibrant skin. You will never miss this cream that kills dead cells from your bedside. You will be 10 years younger thanks to this cream, which has a great effect not only for botox but also for dark spots and wrinkles. Here is how our miracle cream is made.

    1 tablespoon of chia seeds, 1 tablespoon of flaxseed, 1 tablespoon of aloe vera gel, 2 drops of glycerin oil, 1 drop of vitamin 3 (you can get it easily from pharmacies)

Let's pour a tablespoon of chia seeds into our coffee pot. Chia seeds will regenerate the worn skin. We add 1 tablespoon of flaxseed to our chia seeds. Flaxseed will also tighten the skin. We add a glass of water to these products. And we leave this mixture for an hour. After 1 hour, our mixture will become gel. We take our gelling mixture to the stove with our coffee pot and boil it. We take our boiling gel from the stove and pour it on a cheesecloth. Be careful not to refrigerate the gel. Because it freezes. Then we squeeze the gel that we poured on the cheesecloth together with the cheesecloth and remove the gel. In the gel we have obtained, we add the gel in the aloe vera flower. And we mix. Then add 1 teaspoon of glycerin oil. This oil will treat the skin. We add 3 drops of vitamin E to the mixture and pour it into our glass cream box. And our botox cream is ready.

Apply this mixture on your face every night and go to bed. You will not believe your eyes when you see the effect of this cream that you use regularly for 1 week.

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