Would you like to apply mouthwash on your face? After Reading This You Will Definitely Try It!

Mouthwash; We all have a bottle at home somewhere. Of course, it is a useful product to keep your teeth healthy and your breath fresh, but did you know that you can use it for much more? Listerine mouthwash was invented at the end of the 19th century and was originally used as a disinfectant in operating theaters.

It wasn't until the 1970s that people started using it as a mouthwash, which is its main use today. By continuing to read our news, you will read why and how you should apply a little mouthwash on your face.

You can use it for much more yet; for example, to remove a quick pimple. Everyone gets them occasionally, but that doesn't mean they can't be incredibly annoying. You really want to hide your face with a mask or scarf until the threat is gone. But did you know that if you clean your face with mouthwash, your acne will disappear in a short time. This is what you need:

cotton pad
Listerine mouthwash

Pour some Listerine on a cotton ball and clean your face thoroughly. But don't brush too hard; It is enough to rub the face lightly.

If you have acne problem, you can also use Listerine to clean your face. The alcohol in the mouthwash will clean your pores and will eventually remove all the uneven spots on your face! You will have glowing skin in no time without expensive treatments or cleansing products!

Mouthwashes often contain the same refreshing elements as toothpaste and have a drying effect. But be careful: Aggressive mouthwashes like Listerine can dry out your skin so much that it can damage it. So, make sure you don't rub too much on the pimple and don't use it for days.

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