Don't do this as soon as you wake up in the morning!

Here are 8 Mistakes Everyone Makes in the Morning

Your morning often sets the tone for your day. Doing the right things in the morning and avoiding bad habits will make the rest of the day full, peaceful and productive. Therefore, you should have a good morning. You don't need to get up early at 5 am for a productive morning.

You turn off the alarm, hit snooze, and drag yourself out of bed with a zombie eye. As the clock progresses, you realize that you are late. You rush to complete your morning chores. You pack your bag while you cram your toast and make a phone call. You are in a hurry and you arrive at work on time. Some people have a hasty routine in the morning, while others approach their mornings with much more grace. Have you noticed that when your morning starts in a hurry, the rest of the day follows a similar chaos? If you start the morning well, the rest of the day will continue in the same way.

But be more mindful of how your morning goes. Be aware of habits that can harm your mornings and the rest of the day.

1. Checking the phone in bed:

2. Postponement

3. Leaving the blinds closed

4. Getting out of bed right away or lying there for a long time

5. Random start to the day

6. Eating sugar, drinking coffee, or skipping breakfast/fluids

7. Reading Emails

8. Avoid making unnecessary decisions


If you ask me what you should not do first thing in the morning, I would say using a smartphone.

Most people wake up in the morning, slide their hand under the pillow, pick up the phone, and check what they missed.

You scan Instagram, Facebook, Whatsapp to find out who reached out to you and what people are doing. This type of behavior is now ingrained as a habit for many.

Such a mindset affects your productivity all day. We also spend time in the morning browsing, checking the news feed and reading news articles. Morning time is invaluable and wasting them on such activities can be avoided by not checking the phone first.

Many people like to snooze two or three times before waking up. Some people even take snooze into account when setting the alarm.

For example, you set an alarm for 6:45 am to allow 2 snoozes to wake up at 7 am. Snoozing helps us avoid having to sleep a little longer when the alarm goes off.

Little do you know that when the alarm goes off, you put your heart on the alert? When you snooze a few more times, you add more alarms. Every time you procrastinate, you shake your heart a little.

You may not like the sun's rays entering your home in the early hours of the morning. However, this sunlight has many benefits. Your body waits for sunlight in the morning.

The light works as an indicator to signal the start and end of a day. Your body follows the cycle of day and night depending on the availability of light. At least that's how your body learned through evolution. These days, artificial lights have distorted the way nature defines day and night.

Regardless of the body's cyclical rhythm, morning sunlight helps fight disease, strengthens bones and prevents inflammation.

Leaving your blinds closed can give you the feeling of a long night, but you miss out on the benefits of early morning sunlight.

Some roll on the bed for a long time, some get out of bed at once. None of this is good for you.

Waking up suddenly does not give your body enough time to adjust to the awakening. The way your body and mind works while you are asleep and awake is the opposite. When you wake up, your body needs a few minutes to prepare for the awakened state.

You don't have to lie in bed for long. 2 minutes in bed serves as enough time for the body to adapt.

People ask if I can get up quickly and immediately after waking up, will it harm my health? The internet is full of rumors about increased heart attack/stroke due to sudden awakening. However, such claims do not yet have a medical source. You may not have a stroke, but give your body a few minutes to calm down.

On the other hand, staying in bed for too long can encourage you to stay for a while. For example, if you've been in bed for 10 minutes, you feel like staying another 5 minutes. There is a possibility that these 5 minutes will be extended by another 15 minutes or you will fall asleep again. Waking up 2-5 minutes after waking up works best.

All you have to do is sit. When you sit, you win the battle against sleep.

So you decided to get up early and you woke up too. You have an extra hour, so what do you do? You go randomly. You do what your mind tells you, such as thinking about random things, reading the newspaper, watching a YouTube video.

You cannot use your mornings efficiently by approaching your morning randomly. According to a written rule, you don't have to use your morning. All you need is to make good use of your morning time. Do something that helps you evolve and grow.

If you don't get up early, you may be wondering what to do when you get up early in the morning. Here are a few things you should do to transform your morning and make it productive.

A hormone called cortisol is at its highest when you wake up. Cortisol makes us feel alert and alert in the morning. Drinking coffee during this time is equivalent to watering the plants when it rains.

Over time, drinking coffee will lead your body to develop a tolerance to cortisol, and you will need a coffee to keep you awake and fresh at all times. When your cortisol level drops, it is recommended by experts to drink coffee after 10:00 in the morning.

What you eat also changes your day. While a croissant, muffin or smoothie is delicious for breakfast, you'd better avoid them. Sugary products aren't bad per se, but they don't do enough justice for the calories you take in.

Some of the calories of sugary foods are found in sugars, which are broken down as glucose by the body. Sugars are easy to break down and your body absorbs them quickly. That's why sugary foods give off a burst of energy that your body doesn't need.

Such sugary foods will not keep you energetic for long. Complex carbohydrates, such as cereal or whole grain foods, are digested by the body at a slow rate over several hours. During slow digestion, very little of the energy is released as your body expects.

When it comes to breakfast, people have different opinions. Some people believe that skipping breakfast helps with weight loss, while others believe that eating breakfast helps them burn more calories by boosting their metabolism. Neither of these theories has evidence to generalize them.

How the metabolism responds to breakfast varies from person to person. There is no harm or benefit in skipping breakfast as long as you eat healthy for the rest of the day.

However, skipping breakfast can result in low energy levels until you've eaten because you've been drained since dinner. It also increases your chances of eating junk food for lunch due to prolonged hunger.

The same is true for water, your body is deprived of water from the moment you sleep. Moisturize your body after waking up so that your body can function well.

These days, people feel the need to read emails every now and then. Checking emails is just a few taps away, as most people have their emails configured on their phones. That's why people read emails after hours, on weekends and holidays.

Reading email has become an addiction today. People feel the need to check their email many times a day.

Ask yourself, how many times do you check email because you are expecting an email? In most cases, you check emails because of the strength of the habit of hoping to find one to entertain you.

Due to the established habit, you tend to check your email as soon as you wake up.

When you check your emails, your mailbox determines your day. You jump from one email to the next, performing tasks that others ask of you. You forget your own goals, dreams, and passion.

Don't check your email first thing in the morning. Emails can wait. You live under the false assumption that you have to check emails.

If you don't check emails, you feel like you're missing something. The truth is, you don't miss anything. You portrayed yourself as a super active person on email when no one asked you to.

Remember when you searched for a good hotel for a long time on the Internet and couldn't find it? When you finally found one, your head felt heavy and exhausted. You felt tired because making decisions consumes energy.

Keeping your mornings simple will help you avoid the fatigue of decision making. Avoid breaking your head about what breakfast you should have or what clothes you should wear.

You don't have to wear the same t-shirt that Mark Zuckerberg wore every day. But that doesn't mean you have to try 3 different outfits to decide which one suits you best. Pick something you look good on and start your day.

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