These 9 Things You Do Everyday Might Make Your Skin Aging Faster!

Of course we want to avoid and prevent wrinkles and aging skin as much as we can. Genetics, your skin type, and gravity all have a huge impact on your skin, but did you know that there are many common, everyday things that also affect the aging process? You probably didn't know about these things that can age your skin. Fortunately, you can do something about them if you want!

If you pay attention to these things you do on a daily basis, you can prevent the aging process of your skin a little more.

Should we stop smiling to prevent wrinkles from appearing? It is true that when stretched, the collagen in your skin decreases. And yes, this really causes wrinkles. So, should we stop laughing altogether? Of course not! Because laughing helps against stress, and stress is one of the biggest everyday factors that can cause your skin to age. Plus it's fun to laugh and we can't imagine life without it!

Stress is one of the biggest factors that can make us look ten years older. Cortisol is the stress hormone, and this can affect the collagen in your skin. This causes your skin's healing capacity to be less efficient. Laughing a lot lowers your stress level, so the choice is yours!

We're probably not telling you anything new when we say that the sun can really affect your skin. But did you know it's true even if you're in the shade? Sun rays damage your skin and this is the basis of skin aging. This does not become visible after years of sun exposure. That's why you should protect your skin every day with a day cream with a high UV factor.

It seems we can make our skin healthy by eating it; Some studies have shown this. Food products that are good for sun protection (and therefore your skin) are tomatoes, watermelon, carrots, oranges and tuna.

If you want to slow down the aging of the skin, it is best to avoid food products that contain a lot of sugar. This is because sugars attach themselves to collagen, which, among other things, does not have a positive effect on your skin. High glycemic index foods should be avoided as much as possible. What does 'high glycemic index' mean? Foods with a high glycemic index contain sugars that are quickly absorbed and processed by your body. Low-glycemic foods contain slow sugars. Foods high on the glycemic index can also increase your insulin levels, which can lead to inflammation. The skin responds to this by showing fine lines.

Good fats are essential for healthy skin. If you don't eat enough good oils, your skin will begin to age prematurely.

Wrinkles can also be caused by heating. Of course you don't need heating in the summer, but in the winter most people will turn on their heating. That's not exactly good for your skin. It has a drying effect, which means fine lines will appear more quickly.

During the night our skin has time to heal. The shorter your night's rest, the less time your skin has to heal. Conclusion? You get wrinkles faster. So make sure you get enough sleep if you want good skin!

Alcohol can speed up your skin's aging process. Alcohol dries out your skin, which can cause wrinkles. Alcohol also helps break down the collagen in your skin.

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