Get rid of unwanted hair with these 3 ways!

Do not lose your money for epilation, do your own epilation at home

It can become annoying with unwanted hair on the body, which is one of the situations that women generally hate. In today's conditions, many women who do not spend money on beauty centers try to get rid of this problem by using natural methods at home. So how can you get rid of your hair using natural products at home?

You don't need to spend money on beauty centers, you can still get rid of ugly hair on legs with 3 simple natural cleaning methods that are effective at home. While leg hair is not a problem for men, it is a nightmare for women. Unfortunately, if you have thick hair on your legs, don't worry because our 3 natural hair removal methods at home will help you.

Toothpaste is still something we use every day. Not only does it help whiten teeth, toothpaste is also used in many beauty recipes, especially hair removal. According to experts, toothpaste contains many fluorine-containing components, triclosan has the effect of weakening the hair from the inside, helps women to remove leg hair easily and effectively.

How is it applied?
Step 1: Dissolve some salt in warm water in a saucepan. Use this water to wash your legs and expand your pores.

Step 2: Dry your feet with a clean towel and then apply enough toothpaste to the hairy area.

Step 3: Dip the brush in water and rub gently against the skin in the opposite direction. Do this in 10-15 minutes.

Step 4: Wait another 10 minutes, then wipe off the toothpaste with a clean cloth.

Step 5: Wash your legs with warm water, dry them and spray rose water.

    This method has no effect on permanent hair removal.
    Perform twice a week for best results
    Do not wax damaged skin areas with toothpaste.
    Test your toothpaste before applying it to your legs to see if you are allergic.

Honey and lemon hair removal methods are originally from Europe and were widely used until then. Having safe and valuable components, honey and lemon not only destroy the offending microflora, but also help you to whiten your skin effectively.

How is it applied?
Step 1: Mix honey and lemon juice and then heat until paste is formed and wash and dry your legs.

Step 2: Apply the mixture in a thin layer to the skin area to be waxed and place a piece of gauze on it.

Step 3: Wait for 1-2 minutes, and then suddenly remove the anticorrosive gauze

Step 4: Rinse your legs with clean water and then use moisturizer to protect the skin.

    Apply only 1-2 times a week
    Limit exposure to sunlight after waxing
    Use sunscreen to protect the skin
    Do not use this method on areas with skin damage.

Sugar epilation is a method preferred by many women as it does not cause burning pain, provides safety and efficiency, and provides cost savings. To do this, you need to prepare white sugar, water, lemon juice.

How is it applied?
Step 1: Mix all the prepared ingredients and heat over low heat. During the mixing process, stir the mixture evenly so that the mixture does not burn. Heat the mixture until it has a smooth texture and then stop (about 25-30 minutes), let it sit for about 10 minutes to reduce the heat.

Step 2: Wash and dry your legs, then apply the mixture to the skin in the opposite direction of hair growth.

Step 3: Wait 30 seconds and then peel off the mixture in the opposite direction

    Perform 2-3 times a week
    Do not take a hot bath, exfoliate, or use a sauna after waxing for 48 hours.
    The remaining mixture can be put into a sealed container, stored in a dry place for next use.

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