We Eat It Every Morning, But We Don't Know Its Harm!

You Will Be Shocked To Hear This Effect Of Egg

Eggs, which are indispensable for breakfast in the morning, are a complete protein source. Whether fried, boiled or soft. Eggs, which are as healthy as their taste, are among the foods that experts strongly recommend with the improvement it gives to bone health and brain health. Therefore, consume 1 egg every day. However, sometimes eggs can be harmful. We have investigated the harms of eggs for you today. Here are the harms of eggs that you never expected?

Eggs, which are good for both bone health and brain health with the protein and minerals it contains, are an indispensable food for dietitians. Whether boiled or broken eggs that we consume every morning can sometimes be harmful. You will be very surprised when you hear about these harms of eggs. Here are the harms of eggs...

When you want to eat out, especially eggs are served with sausage or bacon. In fact, the useful egg turns into poison in an instant. Experts state that there is already enough sodium in the egg and that it will be harmful to consume foods that contain salt, such as french fries, bacon, sausage.

Eating bacon and sausages, especially in the morning, can cause you to take in too much fat and sodium. Studies have shown that the amount of sodium a person can take daily is 2,300 milligrams. But even just one slice of bacon on its own contains 115 milligrams of sodium, equivalent to 5% of your daily value. One sausage plate contains about 790 milligrams of sodium, which is 34% of your daily value.

Looking at the statistics, it is recommended that you limit your calories from saturated fat to 10% of your daily intake, or the equivalent of 20 grams for a 2,000-calorie diet. One slice of bacon contains approximately 12.6 grams of saturated fat, which is more than half your daily value.

In short, what matters is how you eat. With proper nutrition, you can enjoy all the benefits of eggs. If you add foods that you know to be harmful to your plate, you can also neutralize the benefits of eggs.

However, this does not mean that the egg should be consumed alone. There is no harm in adding different foods with healthy nutritional values ​​to your meal to prepare a more satisfying plate. When you eat eggs in the morning, make sure you have them with healthy foods such as avocado, whole grain bread and vegetables.

Boiled eggs, which have a very high nutritional value, have many benefits. The benefits of eggs can be listed as follows;

    Egg nourishes the body with the amino acids it contains.
    Eggs contain a lot of vitamins.
    Eggs, which raise good cholesterol, are also known for protecting heart health.
    Consuming a certain level of eggs strengthens the immune system.
    Egg consumption also has a very important place in muscle and bone development.
    Eye health is protected. It is also very useful in eliminating eye disorders.
    Memory problems can also be resolved in a short time.
    Egg consumption is very beneficial for brain health.
    Eggs will also increase the iron level of the body.
    Eggs generally meet the protein needs of the body.

Eggs, which have a very high nutritional value, can be cooked in different ways. Eggs can also be prepared by cooking in a pan or in water. The healthiest eggs are usually boiled. Boiled eggs are one of the healthiest egg cooking methods. Two boiled eggs can be eaten daily. People who are engaged in sports can consume more eggs due to their protein needs. People who do sports can often increase their egg consumption. There are also different recipes made with eggs. Depending on the taste of the palate, the right egg cooking method should be preferred.

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