6 reasons why you should definitely have lemons in your fridge!

Here are the miraculous benefits of lemon that you did not know

Almost all of us know that lemons are a panacea. But for those who do not yet know some of its miraculous benefits, we have prepared a list. Here are the amazing benefits of lemon that will surprise you.

The star fruit of the season is the lemon. Talented and delicious, it not only adds flavor to our food in the kitchen. Rely on her to take care of the house, do the laundry or help you feel good! Here are the miraculous benefits of lemon that will make your life easier.

Do you want to strengthen your immunity? Solution: One squeezed lemon every morning! It is an ideal ally against winter diseases. Therefore, when you get out of bed, on an empty stomach, start with a juice diluted in a glass of warm water. Be careful, warm, do not boil, because water above 60°C can destroy the vitamin C found in this fruit (52 mg per 100 g). But it is he who stimulates the production of white blood cells, these soldiers of immunity! But drinking lemon juice every day is not good for tooth enamel. Therefore, use a pipette. This juice can be reduced as desired (honey, tea, lemonade) and also helps to prevent mild colds, flu, nasopharyngitis and seasonal gastroenteritis

Do you have itching at the back of your throat? Are you afraid of getting sick? Dilute the juice of one lemon in half a glass of hot water with a teaspoon of salt. Gargle the back of the throat and pharynx with this mixture for about 2 minutes. Repeat the process three or four times a day, it works!

When the cold hits, there's nothing better than taking a hot bath! But did you know? Say goodbye to toxins in your body if you add the juice and peels of two or three lemons to (unprocessed) water! Let it rest for 20 minutes, at least enough time for the active ingredients of the fruit to take effect.

After tasting the fish, rubbing a handkerchief with lemon on your fingers helps to remove the pungent odor. It's normal, lemon is also a "super vacuum cleaner" of bad odors. For your refrigerator, cut the lemon in half and place half in the door. It always makes it smell fresh and clean. However, use the peel to deodorize your oven and dishwasher. Also, in toilets, two to three drops of lemon essential oil on a porous stone will be enough to make the environment pleasant and fresh.

Want to put an end to limescale sinks? Here again, this natural and almost universal cleanser will help you. All you need is a sponge dipped in squeezed lemon and some salt to scrub any surfaces it needs. At this stage, all you have to do is rinse. It's almost magical for your faucets, kettle, coffee machine or iron... This mixture even removes limescale from plastic walls. You can also replace dishwasher rinse aid with lemon juice to brighten your cutlery or glasses.

In winter, your hands exposed to the cold can quickly become rough, dry, and even covered with sores or cracks if you don't care for them. Fortunately, here again, lemons can help you! Pour two tablespoons of olive oil, two powdered clays (available in organic stores) and lemon juice into a bowl. Mix this paste and apply to sensitive areas. Then let it sit for 30 minutes before rinsing with clean water.

Worried that fruit, grass, rust or sweat stains on your clothes won't wash off? Don't panic! Before washing, apply pure lemon with some salt to the stained areas. On delicate fabrics, always remember to pre-test on an inconspicuous part. Finally, know that lemon has a whitening effect. Therefore, placing a few washers in the drum of your machine (in a lingerie bag) can restore the shine of white garments that have become greyish.

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