Be sure to try these natural methods to naturally remove facial wrinkles!

Aging is a part of our lives and a completely natural process. Over time, our bodies change and signs of aging begin to show. We can hide white hair with dye. Under-eye bags or droopy eyelids also have a few natural remedies. However, the true sign of advancing age is the appearance of wrinkles.

While we cannot eliminate them permanently, we can significantly alleviate them. In fact, there are several easy solutions to limit the appearance of wrinkles. Without surgery, we can greatly reduce these signs of aging and have a youthful face again.

Wrinkles begin to appear around the age of 30. This is because over time, the skin begins to lose its elasticity and tone. In particular, collagen, an element that maintains the tone of the skin, is reduced. However, there are other causes of wrinkles. In fact, hydration is just as important as a balanced diet.

If we want not to have too many wrinkles, we must first take care of the inner part of our body. Prevention will be easier than cure. Foods that help keep the face youthful include vitamin C-rich fruits like citrus and strawberries. Even blueberries, which are rich in antioxidants, can help us avoid it. Fish rich in omega 3 is another great ally in prevention.

However, if we want to lighten what is present on our face besides changing the diet, there are natural solutions. The first is to do facial exercises with essential oils. Argan and avocado ones are especially recommended. Coconut oil, which is rich in vitamin E, is also very useful for cell renewal and removal of dead cells.

Also, an excellent home remedy is Calendula oil. Used for facial massage before going to bed in the evening. All we have to do is collect some marigolds and leave them to dry in a cool, dry place.

Then put them in a glass jar and pour in the extra virgin olive oil. You need about 10 tablespoons of oil for each flower. Let's leave it in the sun for at least three weeks and then strain the oil using gauze. We put the filtered oil in a dark bottle with a dropper.

Finally, we can make a do-it-yourself carrot mask. This vitamin-rich vegetable is very suitable for removing facial wrinkles naturally. Put 1 tablespoon of carrot juice, 2 tablespoons of honey and 1 teaspoon of baking soda in a bowl. We mix all the ingredients well and apply the mixture to the skin and let it act for about 30 minutes. After this time, we rinse with lukewarm water. Our face has never been this young before.

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