How do you know if you're consuming too much sugar? Here are 7 signs on your body...

Sugar and refined carbohydrates are considered 'empty calories', mainly because they do not contain beneficial substances. But reducing your sugar intake may not be as simple as leaving the chocolate on the shelf. Some foods high in sugar are processed and sweet ingredients are added to make them more palatable and desirable. These foods are not always easy to spot sugar and are often marketed as 'healthy' or low in fat. So how do you know if you're consuming too much sugar?

Excessive consumption of sugar can cause long-term damage to skin proteins, collagen and elastin, leading to premature wrinkles and aging. Too much sugar can also contribute to an imbalance of female menstrual hormones, which can cause acne along the jawline. Sugar is also the favorite food of less desirable gut bacteria and yeasts, and consuming too much can lead to an unbalanced gut flora in the body and inflammation typically seen in skin conditions such as eczema.

Sugary foods are addictive and provide a quick 'fix' that tempts us over and over. Foods high in sugar have been shown to activate the reward pathway in the brain by releasing dopamine, similar to addictive drugs. The dietary chromium may help restore normal insulin function, and supplementation has been shown to contribute to maintaining normal blood sugar levels and reduce sugar and carbohydrate cravings.

Glucose is essential for energy production in the body, but it's important to keep blood sugar levels stable rather than experiencing the ups and downs that occur when we consume sugary snacks. Following sugar consumption, the pancreas releases insulin to help transfer glucose into cells, which means we can experience a surge of energy. Once consumed, we may experience a dip in energy as the body requires more sugar to restart the cycle. It's not hard to imagine that the higher the sugar peak, the more extreme the sugar dip that followed would be.

4. UNexplained bloating
Less desirable bacteria and yeast produce gas when they ferment our undigested food in the colon. Bad bacteria especially like to eat sugar, whereas beneficial bifidobacteria that love vegetables are believed to not produce gas. Excessive gas production can cause pain, uncomfortable bloating, and gas after eating.

Did you know that 70 percent of our immune system resides in the gut and is supported by beneficial gut bacteria? Therefore, it is important to maintain a good balance of bacteria. However, a diet high in sugar will feed off less desirable bacteria and yeasts, ultimately affecting how well the immune system works.

6. SLEEPlessness
Eating sugary foods late at night can lead to a rush of energy at a time when we need to focus on slowing down and preparing the body for rest. Serotonin, our "happiness hormone", is produced largely in the gut and is essential for the production of melatonin - the "relaxation" hormone - essential to aiding a good night's sleep. If you're someone who has trouble sleeping, it can help you cut down on sugar in your diet and be kinder to your gut.

Glucose is an important source of energy for the body, but if it is not used as energy immediately, the body will store the excess as fat in the liver, muscles, or midsection. Glucose storage worked when we were hunter-gatherers, but food shortages are rarely an issue nowadays, so we start storing more glucose as fat in the middle.

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