Make 5 liters of organic liquid soap from one soap and keep your money in your pocket!

Liquid soap recipe that will make your hands like cotton.

Liquid soap is popular all over the world. It is preferably used for washing clothes and utensils, but is also widely used for washing hands and body. Want to learn how to make liquid soap at home without spending a lot of money?

Due to the cost of living, citizens have started to make many products at home. One of the most preferred materials made at home was liquid soaps. Making 5 liters of liquid soap with a single soap bar greatly contributes to the budget of the citizens.

As much as we love bar soaps, most people prefer liquid soaps. Bar soaps get dirty quickly and can help transport germs. Also, when a bar of soap falls on the floor, nobody likes it and they have to bend over to pick it up. Liquid soaps are easy to use and can be shared. With the introduction of the coronavirus into our lives, we started to pay more attention to hygiene. The main one is hand hygiene. Due to the coronavirus, we started to consume more soap at home than before. With the recent increase in every product, the back of the citizen has been bent. The brooding citizen sought a remedy to take a sigh of relief and took advantage of the tricks. One of them is the method of obtaining 5 liters of soap with only 1 bar of soap.

Materials needed:

1 soap bar

4.5 - 5 liters of water

Let's grate one bath soap in your bathroom into a large bowl using a grater. After grating the soaps, put 4.5 liters of water in the pot. The water we put in the pot should be close to boiling. Let's heat the water until it reaches about 80°C. If you do not have a heat meter, you can set this temperature for 1.5-2 minutes before the water boils. You can think of it as the previous state.

After heating the water as necessary, let's close the bottom of the pot. Let's pour the grated soap in a bowl slowly into the pot. Let the soap dissolve completely in the water by mixing it lightly. After mixing well in the pot, turn off the heat and set your pot aside. Let the pan cool for a day or so. You will see that the soap has a darker consistency. After waiting for 1 day, let's put the liquid soap we prepared in the pot into a 5 liter plastic bottle with the help of a funnel. Here is our recipe for 5 liters of liquid soap with just 1 bar of soap...

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