The way you hold the pen reveals your personality!

Personality test that analyzes character according to pencil grip

Pencil holding styles personality test: Why do some people hold their pencils differently? How do genius people hold pencils? What does holding the pen between your index and middle finger say about you? The way you hold a pencil reveals your personality!

How do you hold your pen? Some people may hold their pencils differently. For example, this is easily noticed in highly intelligent people. So what does holding a pencil between your index and middle finger say about your personality? Let's ask you a few questions first: Do you hold your pen or pencil between your index finger and thumb? Do you write between your thumb, forefinger and middle finger with your pen? Or do you hold your pen with your thumb on top of your fingers? Let's explore personality traits based on pencil holding styles together. Let's read what the way you hold the pen says about you.

Take a pen or pencil and hold it in your hand to write something. Check out the different pencil holding styles below to learn about your personality traits.


If you hold your pen between your thumb, index and middle finger, your pen-holding style personality traits show that you have a dual personality. Sometimes you are overly critical of people, other days you are extremely kind and generous. Sometimes you are happy and contented, and some days you get angry over every little thing. Sometimes you want perfection, while other days you have a very relaxed demeanor. You are extremely detail oriented. You don't like to make mistakes. When you take something, you like to analyze it and draw conclusions so that everything is to your liking. In general, you have a unique personality. You can be analytical and emotional depending on the situation.

If you hold your pen between your index and middle finger, your pen-holding style personality traits reveal that you like to live moments to the fullest. You will enjoy even something as simple as sipping your tea or beverage. You are quick to forgive and forget. You may believe that life is too short to hold grudges or waste your energy on negative emotions. You like to stay away from loads or any luggage. You find all the negative things under you, such as revenge or gossip. Living a happy social life and being with people you care about is something you enjoy very much. You are appreciated and valued by the people around you.

If you hold your pen with your thumbs up, your pen-holding style personality traits show that you are quite ambitious and eager. You are not allowing any limitations or omissions to get what you want. Still, you have the problem of being affected by your emotions too much. You may find yourself caught up in overwhelming thoughts and emotions. You may also find yourself overanalyzing or overthinking things. You may be anxious in stressful situations. You love being around people who help you bring out the best in you. Things can hurt you easily or cause you to be insecure as you can be a little sensitive. You are reliable and will be there for your friends and family when they need you.

If you hold your pen between your index finger and thumb, the pen-holding style reveals that your personality traits are one of mystery. You love learning new things about people and things and gaining new experiences without saying too much or nothing about yourself. 


You mingle with people at your own pace and mood. Sometimes you will be extroverted, sometimes you will sit quietly and observe everything. Yet somehow you become the life of an entertainment medium. You are forever hungry to absorb knowledge. You like to discover new concepts and new places. But you are very protected emotionally. You may find it difficult to reveal your true feelings. You will most likely suppress your emotions and resolve them in your alone time. When you are hurt, you prefer to be silent. You like people to see when you're messy. You want everyone to see how high spirited you are in life.

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