Your foot shape reveals your character traits!

Here is the personality test that tells you character traits according to your foot shape.

Do you know that your foot shape can reveal facts about your personality that you didn't know? This personality test, which analyzes the character thanks to your foot shape, has gone viral on social media. If you are curious about the test, continue reading.

Have you ever wondered what your foot shape can reveal about your personality? We all have different feet and toes. Research has revealed that a lot can be learned about a person's personality from the shape of their feet. We list 4 basic foot shapes: Egyptian foot shape, Roman foot shape, Greek foot shape and Square foot shape.

In our previous series of personality tests, we shared interesting personality traits based on the shape of your nose, sleeping positions, and sitting posture.


If your big toe is the largest and the next four toes are bent at a 45-degree angle, you have an Egyptian foot shape.

Egyptian Foot Shape Personality: You like to be treated like a king. You love to be cared for and pampered. You are very guarded and do not like invading your privacy. You're generally pretty friendly, but you're also pretty secretive. Many aspects of your life are completely hidden from the outside world. You tend to keep your thoughts to yourself. Few people know their mind.

People with the Egyptian foot shape are often lost in their imaginations. They enjoy their own friendship and 'me' time. You also tend to find an escape from reality. You have a dreamy personality. You can also be impulsive, rebellious and moody, experiencing bursts of energy according to your own moods.

If your first three toes (including your big toe) are the same height, followed by your fourth and fifth toes, then you have a Roman foot or Also known as Common foot.

Roman Foot Shape Personality: You are charismatic, courageous and extroverted. You are open to new experiences. You enjoy social situations where you meet new people and discover new cultures. You also become a loyal partner who loves to spend time with loved ones. You go the extra mile for their happiness.

People with the Roman foot shape lead a balanced life and generally maintain a proportional body shape. Most travelers have been found to have the shape of a roman foot. However, they can also be arrogant or stubborn.

If your second toe is larger than your other toes, then you have the Greek foot shape or also known as the Flame foot shape or the Fire foot shape.

Greek Foot Shape Personality: You are a creative individual who likes to bring new ideas. You are extremely enthusiastic and motivating, and you also love to encourage people to achieve their dreams. You are also quite impulsive and always energetic. You are sporty and active. There is rarely a dull moment with you. Your spontaneity always keeps things interesting. You always have some fun plans or activities to indulge in, and people are drawn to your high-spirited mood like a moth to a flame.

However, people with the Greek foot shape are prone to stress. They also have a hard time making decisions. High energy levels also cause exhaustion at times. It is known that people with the Greek foot shape also stick to their ideas and exhibit an 'either my way or the highway' attitude.

If the height of all your toes including the big toe is almost the same, then you have the Square foot shape or also known as the Peasant foot shape.

Square Foot Shape Personality: You are practical, reliable, honest and balanced. You lead a very balanced life. You will carefully review all the details and go over all the pros and cons of an issue before making any decisions. Your decisions are influenced by very solid principles. Although it may take a little longer to think about something, once you decide, you will apply it with all your heart.

People with a square foot shape always weigh the positive and the negative. They have excellent conflict resolution quality. They are also highly analytical. They are also very safe in themselves. They are not easily affected by external conditions or momentary impulses.

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