4 things a woman will never forgive a man

So many books, pictures, articles have been written, not so many films have been made, neither about politics, nor about nature, nor about anything else. However, no scientist, poet, artist, psychologist or astrologer has created a universal "happiness forum".

The absence of this "happiness formula" or any other "regulation" is the main reason why the relationship between a man and a woman can be called the longest "battle" in human history for the right to be happy and to be loved.

In these "battle" tactics, the parties use all possible means - love, care, attention, tenderness, respect and support. Everyone chooses their own path. But only one thing can lead to defeat - insults that cannot be forgiven, which leave a deep wound in the heart. Well, what exactly does a woman never forgive a man:

Everyone knows or has heard of such a thing as genetic memory. Therefore, it is in the genetic memory that a man is a knight, a hero, ready to come to the aid of his lady at any moment.

It doesn't matter what the help is: taking her to the airport at night or taking her aspirin across town, helping her drive a nail or moving a locker, giving her "man advice" or giving her money. but every rejection (whether right or wrong) diminishes a man's "worth" in a woman's eyes, just as that request is important to her right now.

Believe me men, in the modern world a woman can cope with all the problems on her own:
A woman's request for help is her desire to be weak, to feel male support and care. Anyone, even the most successful woman, needs it. And refusal, as a rule, is perceived by a woman as an insult - after all, she is practically “naked” in front of you in her helplessness. Often women use requests as a kind of test for a man. But the result is still the same: women do not like and do not forgive failures.

It doesn't matter if the guy is gone forever or comes back in a minute, comes to his senses. If a man is a lover, then a woman will try to forget the guilt and feeling she felt the moment the door closed behind her, but in the depths of her soul she will always remember this and will not be able to forgive soon.

If the relationship isn't that strong, most likely the woman will pretend to forgive him (and maybe even won't even try) to announce to the man that everything is over between them. In any case, it is easier for a woman to get away with breaking up with a man if, as it seems to her, she has made the decision.

And Beyond. Breaking up like “we should stop” even for a while is a crack in the relationship. Who said: "Try to break the glass, and then stick it together - can it be called whole from now on?". So don't "practice" separation in a relationship.

Almost all women visit at least once in their life with a desire to read mail, look up SMS and phone book, learn something about the life of their man from mutual friends. Such desires do not arise without reason (again, we are not talking about pathologies now).

And if doubts arise, and the desire to get to the bottom of these doubts becomes an irresistible force, she will find them. A normal woman can forgive and even "peacefully" use it if she finds visits to porn sites in your computer history, but will never forgive if she finds out you've been sitting on a dating site at night. an excuse that you are doing an important project.

He will forgive you if you compliment his friends and comment on their private lives, but he will never forgive you if he finds out that you met one of his friends (even if a friend wants to help him out as a lawyer). a divorce ) but she didn't tell him. It's better to tell a woman about your plans to go to a friend's birthday party alone than to find out after a while how much fun you had from your friend.

Each woman decides for herself how to dispose of the evidence obtained, but a man is unlikely to forgive her for perceiving her "double life" as betrayal, or even ...

Is there anything to explain here? I don't think so. There are many reasons and situations for cheating on men. According to scientists, the nature of male infidelity is that they are unable to produce offspring and therefore women will never forgive betrayal, although it is said to leave as many offspring as possible.

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