Foods high in collagen

If you want to increase the amount of collagen in your body, your nutritional choices are of great importance. You can achieve the desired effect thanks to foods with high collagen content . In our science-based guide, we also offer answers to those who are curious about collagen.

For stronger joint, bone and muscle health, the use of collagen or the consumption of foods high in collagen is becoming common. Women and men tend in this direction for skin and hair beauty.

Which foods are high in collagen?
There are animal and plant collagen sources. The highest among them are bone broth, fish, chicken, turkey and egg whites. Collagen-containing foods are not limited to this, of course; Vegetables also help increase collagen production.

What are the foods that contain collagen?
Natural foods such as garlic, onions, tomatoes, lemons, oranges, cashews, chickpeas, strawberries, blackberries, raspberries and green peppers increase collagen in the body. While preparing a daily plan for yourself, you can give weight to these foods.

Are foods high in collagen good?
In fact, from the day we are born, collagen secretion continues in our body. However, its amount may decrease due to wrong eating habits, illness or aging. In this case, effects such as hair loss, pain in the joints and knees, osteoporosis, pallor of the skin can be seen. Natural collagen intake and supplementation support healing in these areas. In addition, collagen tightens the body and helps to remove cellulite.

How to consume collagen-rich foods?
We can consume collagen-rich foods by making beneficial changes in our daily life. For example, we can drink orange juice in the morning or add the juice of half a lemon to our water. Spinach is a great source of collagen. We can eat it as a salad, appetizer, soup or meal. You can make bone broth like a one-month cure.

    1 teaspoon bone broth
    1 teaspoon powdered turmeric
    1 teaspoon ground black pepper
    1 teaspoon lemon juice

Preparation of,
    Put all the ingredients in the coffee pot except the lemon juice.
    Keep it on low heat until it cools slightly.
    After taking it into the cup, you can add lemon juice and drink it.

Our first answer to the question of which food has the most collagen was marrow bone broth. This is how you can see the benefits of collagen with regular use.

Can collagen supplements be eaten with yogurt?
You can use collagen supplements if you wish. There are various brands of liquid, tablet and powder collagen. Some manufacturers recommend consuming collagen by mixing it with fruit juice, plain water or yogurt . If it suits your taste, you can do it this way too.

How many times a year is collagen used?
The use of collagen is recommended for 25 years and older. To see the full benefit of the supplement, it will also be useful to eat foods with collagen. You can cure collagen twice a year until the age of 50, and 3 times a year after the age of 50. 3 months of regular use is recommended to fill all tanks.

Drink recipe with foods high in collagen
You can mix and drink with foods high in collagen at breakfast or snack. Let's just give an example, the variety is left to your imagination and taste. You 

can do it like this:
    1 tablespoon of cashews
    2 handfuls of strawberries
    1 teaspoon lemon juice
    5 tablespoons of yogurt

Preparation of,
    Take all the materials to the robot.
    Pull until it is a smooth consistency.
    If it is dark, you can add mineral water.

To further increase the strength of this drink, you can add a scoop of powdered collagen if you have it. Since it is protein-based, it increases the feeling of satiety and is a great support when dieting.

Does collagen weaken?
So far, you have always seen useful and natural ones in the list of foods with high collagen content. If you eat this way, it will be very easy to lose weight or keep fit. If you are using collagen supplements; There may be mild swelling or temporary weight gain in the first days. Don't let this scare you, everything will return to normal after the body gets used to it. With the support of collagen , you can continue to lose weight healthily.

How to cook foods high in collagen?
You can completely determine the meals according to your taste. For example, for breakfast, you can make an egg omelette with onions, which is a classic of Ottoman Cuisine.

Because, both are collagen nutrients. For lunch, you can make vegetable soup with bone broth and add garlic and onions. For dinner, you can make a raw spinach salad and add grapefruit and orange slices according to the season.

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