Learn 7 things you didn't know you could do with Vaseline, make your life easier!

Almost all of us have a box of Vaseline in our closets at home. Vaseline, which we usually use for our skin, is actually dazzling with its functionality in different areas of use. Here are some of them...

Almost everyone has a jar of Vaseline somewhere in their home. You can use this slippery thing for all sorts of purposes. Most people will be mostly familiar with its benefits when it comes to dry skin or other skin conditions. But there are so many other things you can use this simple ointment for! Some of these will definitely surprise you!

After reading this, you'll be popping out your vaseline jar more often!

Say goodbye to broken ends
If you have long hair, of course you want it to look as beautiful as possible. Split ends can be dazzling when you look in the mirror, and going to the hairdresser more often isn't an option either. Instead of lathering your hair with a lot of expensive conditioner while you're in the shower, try applying some Vaseline to the ends of your hair.

Do you use too much nail polish? Then you'll probably be familiar with it: the more you use a bottle of nail polish, the harder it is to open it. Avoid all that frustration by rubbing some Vaseline around the rim of the bottle. The next time you use it, you will be able to open it without any problems!

Have you sprayed perfume on your skin in the morning but the smell disappeared after a few hours? Try applying some Vaseline to your skin before applying perfume. Spray the perfume on the Vaseline. The ointment-like substance acts as a kind of protective layer that will prevent the perfume from getting too "wet" on the skin.

Don't want to buy an expensive body scrub? No need for that anyway! Mix some Vaseline and sea salt and you have created your own amazing body scrub. The ideal solution!

FIX creaking door hinges
Are those squeaky door hinges in your home driving you absolutely crazy? You can spray some silicone spray on them to keep them from making that awful noise. However, if you don't have one, applying some Vaseline on the hinges is a great alternative.

If you've bought new shoes , you'll want them to look as clean and new as possible. A stain on the sole of the shoe can impair this resolution. Rub some Vaseline on the soles of your shoes to keep them from staining.

Do you only wear the earrings once in a while, rather than regularly? Then it is quite possible that when you put them on it will hurt a little. Make things easier and less painful for yourself by applying Vaseline to your earlobes before putting on your earrings.

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