5 ways to prevent autumn fatigue with food

Seasonal changes cause various effects on the human body such as fatigue, insomnia and loss of appetite. Emphasizing that autumn fatigue can be prevented, experts draw attention to food recommendations that will be good for fatigue.

Seasonal changes cause various effects on the human body such as fatigue, insomnia and loss of appetite. As we enter autumn, many people complain of increased fatigue levels.

Insufficient energy consumption for daily activities due to increased appetite, low vitamin D level due to less exposure to the sun, vitamin C, riboflavin, niacin, magnesium and iron deficiency are among the causes of autumn fatigue. He lists five ways to prevent your autumn fatigue with food.

Are you one of those who say they can't wake up without drinking a cup of coffee in the morning? One or two cups of coffee per day; Caffeine, vitamin B2 and magnesium in its content help you start the day more energetic. According to the American Dietary Guidelines, your daily caffeine intake is 400 mg, which is roughly the equivalent of 3-4 cups of coffee. When caffeine consumption exceeds these limits, it causes sleepless nights and therefore you feel even more tired the next day.

Start your day with breakfast
Our body continues to work even while we sleep. Considering that there is a 12-hour period between dinner and breakfast, the body uses all of its nutrients during this time. According to the studies; Individuals who start their day with breakfast feel more vigorous and active than those who skip breakfast. This supports individuals to have higher performance in their daily and business lives.

Harness the power of complex carbohydrates
Carbohydrates are the most valuable energy sources for the human body. Continuing your daily basic activities with the least level of fatigue is possible by providing energy from complex carbohydrate sources. Consumption of foods containing highly refined carbohydrates, such as white bread, sweets, and white rice, can cause your blood sugar to drop rapidly later in the day, making you feel sluggish and even sleepy. According to the research; Consumption of foods containing refined carbohydrates appears to have effects that increase fatigue. To prevent this negative situation, you can consume foods with high fiber content such as oatmeal, brown rice, blueberries, oranges, legumes, broccoli, spinach and cabbage.

Add protein sources to your main and snack meals
Since the digestion and absorption of protein-containing foods takes longer in the body, consuming protein foods with your carbohydrate-containing meals ensures a more regular release of your blood sugar. This makes it possible to provide a more balanced and regular energy for your body. Add nuts, walnuts, etc. to your meals. Adding nuts and yoghurt is among the easiest options for you to achieve this order.

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