Choose the candle that you think is the extension of your soul, find out what it means...

With this quiz, choose a candle to which your soul lies and find out what it means to you. Look at each candle very carefully. Which one did you like the most? Let's find out what this means...

They say black is the color of evil. This is not true, this is the color of self-defense. If you have chosen this candle, you are a little tired and want to rest. Take a break from your life, take time for yourself.

Nothing bad will happen if you "fall" a little from life. But if you take a break and get back to work after resting, you will feel an incredible surge of strength.

Purple is the color of abundance and wealth. If you have chosen this candle, it means that you will soon achieve something that you have been dealing with for a long time. You are a successful person and most likely in a leadership position.

You should pay attention to the people around you. Among them are those that will help you achieve even more. You just need to open your eyes wider.

You chose this noble color for a reason. It means that you came to this world with a mission. It doesn't have to be a big goal, but you make an important contribution to society.

Most likely, your job is one that requires you to help people. Also, you will always support others and are ready to suggest a solution to a problem. You have a well-developed intuition, so you rarely get in trouble.

Blue is the color of intuition. You feel good about this world and you know when to take action and when it's better not to row against the current. Other people may not understand you sometimes, but remember that "your" people accept you in all moods and circumstances. Don't change yourself. Don't try to be better for someone. You just have to be yourself.

Green is the color of harmony. If you have chosen this candle, it means that you are a balanced person who is connected with the outside world, living and enjoying every second of life.

Green is also the color of growth. You are constantly growing and learning new things. Be prepared, you will soon receive a true gift of fate.

Yellow is the color of self-knowledge and self-development. At this stage of life you are hungry for knowledge, you want to be better and smarter. Now is the time to start doing something.

Maybe you have long dreamed of learning to play the violin but keep putting it off? If you start classes right now, know that learning will be easy and interesting.

This candle is mostly chosen by both brave and passionate people. You have now come to a crossroads in your life cycle. Should you choose love or fight?

Listen to yourself. What is most important to you right now? Whatever choice you make, remember that love can do a lot.

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