Do not throw away the coffee grounds!

 Put it on the stove 2 minutes later witness the miracle.


With the cooling of the weather, the fish season has opened. Who doesn't want to eat beautifully pan fried anchovies? Most people do not want to fry fish at home. Because the fish we eat with flavor leaves a lasting odor and wraps the whole house. If you want to get rid of this situation that housewives are constantly complaining about, you should definitely try this. When you see this feature of coffee grounds, you will boil it instead of drinking it. Use this method too, do not be deprived of the pleasure of eating fish. Here are the details...

Who can say no to a good fried fish? However , when the fish is fried at home, it leaves a lingering odor behind and never goes away. No matter how many windows you open, that smell stays and it doesn't last for 2-3 days. We have come to you with a practical recipe for this situation that housewives complain about. With this method, you will be satisfied with eating fish. With just one ingredient, your house will smell like fragrant. Here is the way to get rid of the fishy smell;

After frying your fish at home, apply this process and your house will smell good. Fry the fish, then pour the coffee grounds on the stove and cook for 2 minutes. In this way, you will instantly get rid of the fishy smell that permeates the house. Your house will stink.

You can light a scented candle in a corner of the kitchen while cooking fish. These candles absorb the smell of the fish, preventing it from spreading.
While frying the fish, you can melt sugar in a porcelain bowl on the smallest burner. The caramel structure of the sugar absorbs the fishy smell.
In the same way, you can burn lemon peel on the stove.
You can boil it by putting water and a stick of vanilla in a saucepan. This mixture also absorbs the smell of the fish.
Before you start cooking fish, pour 2-3 tablespoons of baking soda into a large bowl and leave it near the stove. The carbonated water mixture absorbs the fishy smell and prevents it from spreading. You can also use this carbonated water to wash the pan after cooking. There will be no trace of fishy smell on your pan.

If you are cooking your fish in the oven, lay a bay leaf and lemon between the fish. This process both prevents your oven from smelling and prevents fishy smells from spreading to the kitchen.

If you add some parsley to the pan while frying fish, you can prevent the fishy smell from spreading to other rooms.
When you roast tangerine, lemon, orange and grapefruit peels in a pan, you can eliminate the fishy smells in the kitchen.
Add 1-2 tablespoons of black dry tea to a Teflon pan and fry it. Turn off the stove when smoke starts to come out of the pan. Roasted black dry tea absorbs the fishy smell.
Put a pack of powdered vanilla in an empty pan and roast it. After a while, when you close the bottom, you will see that the vanilla scent suppresses and destroys the fishy smell.

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