Follow these 8 tips and your bed will last much longer!

Keep your money in your pocket by applying these methods

The furniture industry has also been affected by the recent hikes. Especially those who could not afford the furniture and wanted to change their bed were left speechless when they saw the prices. Mattresses are quite expensive, so you want to make the most of them. You can protect your beds at home with these methods...

It is generally recommended to replace your mattress every eight to ten years. We spend about 3000 hours in our beds each year, so our beds go through quite a lot over the years. To get the most out of your bed, you need to properly care for it. If you don't, you'll notice that it starts to smell or feel a little uncomfortable. With these eight tips, your mattress will last much longer.

In the past, it was necessary to rotate the bearings very often because of the springs inside. But these days, most mattresses no longer have those big springs. However, we still recommend that you rotate your mattress every month. You do this to avoid sagging and sagging on them.


You can buy a good mattress pad. This protective sheet is easy to wash, which is very useful because you won't be able to fit your mattress in the washing machine, right? This way the pad will catch all the moisture, dust and oils so your real mattress won't be stained.

Do you regularly yell at your kids that they need to stop jumping on the beds? You are right to do so, as this can cause both the wooden supports and the mattress to break. But even if you don't have children, you can sometimes make the following mistake: standing on your bed to reach a shelf, for example. The local pressure of your body weight can be enough to make a big sagging in your bed and even break the wooden supports.

Yes, sleeping in a bed with your dog or cat is incredibly cute, but that doesn't exactly help keep your bed in good condition. The hairs and skin flakes your pet leaves behind will contaminate everything much more quickly. They can also (accidentally) make small rips in the mattress with their sharp nails and even destroy it completely.

Not the most fun job, but necessary: ​​cleaning your bed. You should do this at least twice a year. Remove all bed linen and vacuum the mattress thoroughly to get rid of all dust and lint. Focus especially on the edges and seams, as there will be a lot of dirt and debris left there. Sprinkle some baking soda on the mattress and leave it there before you vacuum it up. That way, everything will smell nice and fresh again.

The biggest cause of sagging beds is wrong or broken wooden supports. For this reason, you should always check that the supports are still intact when turning your mattress. If your mattress isn't supported enough, it starts to sag much faster, which can lead to neck and back complaints.

Another important part of bedding care: airing. It's best to let the mattress breathe the same day you wash your duvet cover. Remove all sheets from the bed and leave it uncovered so it can breathe during the day.

Your child has a minor 'accident', you drink a cup of tea in bed and spill his tea, or you experience some sort of bodily ailment, such as the stomach flu. It is very important to treat stains as quickly as possible by removing the sheets and wiping the moisture away with a towel. Use a cleaning product or baking soda to remove the stain and its smell. Let them dry thoroughly before putting new sheets on the bed. If you are in a hurry, you can use a hair dryer for this. If you don't treat the stain and let it dry, you probably won't be able to remove it again.

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