5 Animals You May Encounter In Your Toilet and Ways To Stop Them

If you're wondering why insects and other pests visit your bathroom, let's say it: It's all because of humidity . Also, many people don't clean it consistently and thoroughly, especially when it comes to the toilet seat . Simply flushing isn't enough, because residues are left behind and they're enough to draw all the wrong guests.

The Positive Look team want you to know that many pests can enter your home from your toilet and ways to prevent this from happening.

1. Snakes
Snakes like cool, wet and dark places . That's why your toilet pipes can be very interesting to them. But what drives them there is the sewer, where there is food leftovers to feed on . When they run out of food in the sewers, they look for a way out, while pipes are the easiest and fastest way. But if you live in a cold environment, there is no need to fear, because snakes only sneak into toilets in warm countries.

Those that crawl through pipes are usually harmless snakes, such as garden or tree snakes .
This is because these snakes are thinner than venomous ones and can pass through pipes. However, anacondas have also been seen emerging from the toilets of people in South America and Australia.

2. Mice
Like snakes, rats are constantly on the hunt for food, and our toilet pipes can be very appealing to them. Mice are more likely to get in in homes where toilet waste and garbage are dumped in the same pipes. Also, because their anatomy is so flexible, they can swim through pipes and hold their breath for minutes without needing air.

That's why it's important not only to throw your leftovers into a garbage bag, but also to never flush food down the toilet. If there is no food in the pipes, the rats will have no reason to try to get into your sewer system. Also, you should always keep the toilet seat closed and maybe wear a mouse guard. With this method, water can come out of the pipes when you flush it, but nothing in the opposite direction.

3. Spiders
Dealing with spiders can be a little more complicated. Because they can't float in your pipes, but they can get into your bathroom from somewhere else. Once inside, they're probably hanging out of the toilet seat. Only black widows go inside the toilet and weave their nets from side to side. However, this only happens in an outdoor toilet that is not connected to the plumbing and sewer system.

This is where these venomous spiders are most commonly seen, as they have large numbers of flies that they can catch for food. Therefore, you should always thoroughly check the seat before using the toilet . Unlike spiders such as the brown recluse and vagrant spider, black widows will not hesitate to bite you.

4. Lizards
Lizards coming out of toilet pipes are a fairly common occurrence in the southwestern United States . Because these creatures love water and try to find food wherever they can. Crickets and other insects (such as flies) can be found in abundance in your toilet plumbing if not kept clean enough. Lizards that can do this are usually small enough to pass through pipes.

5. Opossums
In 2008 a man in Australia saw the water in the toilet rumbling while he was in his bathroom . A few minutes later, a baby opossum appeared. This isn't the first time an opossum has broken into someone's bathroom. In another case, a woman found a dead opossum in her bathroom. These unusual guests are excellent swimmers and can hold their breath for long periods of time, so they can crawl into your bathroom.

How to prevent these events and how to deal with them?
- Keep your toilet clean: It may sound obvious, but you really need to clean your toilet often and cleanly. Disinfecting cleaners are perfect for this job. If you want something cheaper, you can use white wine vinegar or baking soda . You can also buy products that stick to the rim of the toilet bowl and emit a pleasant smell every time you flush.

- Keep it dry: Most pests love moisture, which is why wet bathroom floors are attractive to them. That's why it's important to get rid of the water that collects in the sink or on the floor after taking a shower. If you notice any leaks in your plumbing, call a technician immediately and have them repaired.

- Clean your pipes the natural way: Add an equal amount of sugar, water, vinegar and 5-10 drops of dish soap to a bowl. Mix them all together and pour them down your toilet or bathroom sink. Also, you can pour some boiling water into the toilet.

- Call a pest control company: If you don't have the time or courage to deal with pests on your own, call the professionals and let them use their heavy duty cleaner. Once this is done, you can occasionally pour water mixed with a cleaning solution down the drain to make sure no pests can climb into the toilet.

Have you ever found an intruder in your bathroom? If so, what was this guest and how did you react? Share it with us in the comments section!

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