We seem to hear you say, what's the flu in hot weather? however, summer flu, which can turn summer days into nightmares and cause serious problems, is a disease that needs attention. If you do not want to spend your summer vacation sick, it is the most logical way to take precautions against this flu and be careful not to get sick. However, if you have somehow contracted this disease, recognizing its signs and symptoms early is very important for rapid treatment of the disease.
So, what is this summer flu? If you say how it occurs and how it affects us, let's look at the details of the disease together. Are you ready to take a look at all the details of this disease that poisons the holidays and causes you to spend lively summer days at home or in the hospital?
What is Summer Flu? How is it defined?
We know that flu cases, which are usually seen in autumn and winter, are caused by the virus called "influenza". Of course, the flu is not only experienced during these seasons; It is possible to catch flu diseases caused by “influenza” at any time of the year. Summer flu, on the other hand, differs a little from the general definition of flu. Not all viruses that cause summer flu come from the "influenza" family. As a result of the research of experts, it has been proven that many different types of viruses cause summer flu. Therefore, although the symptoms of summer flu are similar to those of "influenza", it is not surprising that different symptoms occur from time to time. For this reason, let's not forget that the drugs used in winter flu diseases are not effective in summer flu.
Another name for this disease, which is popularly known as summer flu, is "legionnaires' disease". This flu, also called "climate disease" in some regions, can be transmitted from person to person very easily. Generally, microorganisms that cause this disease can adhere to cooling systems, ventilation systems and water installations and multiply. Viruses that are transmitted to humans through air and contact from here cause the emergence of summer flu. As soon as the symptoms of this disease are seen in the person, it is useful to see a specialist ear - nose - throat (ENT) doctor.
It is known that decreased body resistance, frequent preference of common areas, microorganisms formed in sea and pool water and air conditioners, which are indispensable in summer months, are also effective in the formation of summer flu.
We know that one of the causes of summer flu is sudden temperature and weather changes. Transitions from an air-conditioned environment to a non-air-conditioned environment or staying sweaty in windy (drafty) environments are among the most important reasons for the emergence of this disease.
Signs and Emerging Symptoms of Summer Flu
We have said above that the symptoms of summer flu are similar to those caused by “influenza”; However, let us remind you again that there are aspects that differ from these flus. Again, let's say that the symptoms may vary according to the metabolic health of the person suffering from the disease.
The most common symptoms of summer flu are high fever, weakness and fatigue, cough, sputum formation, deep and wheezing, and muscle pain that can occur in any part of the body. Again, in addition to these symptoms, other symptoms that are encountered quite frequently are known as chills, chills, runny nose, dizziness, nausea, difficulty breathing and dry throat.
Since many of the symptoms we have mentioned are not symptoms specific to summer flu, the emergence and development of this disease should be followed closely, and we should remind you that in cases where summer flu is suspected, it is necessary to seek help from a doctor and medications immediately. At the same time, it would be wrong to expect every person exposed to the virus to show these symptoms. Some people may have the summer flu even though they show few or no symptoms. Although this probability is quite low, it is still a detail that needs attention.
Some people, on the other hand, are extremely susceptible to summer flu, as they are to many diseases and viruses, and are grouped as those at high risk. Children between the ages of 0-6, the elderly over 65, pregnant women, people with obesity, people with weak immune systems or problems, those who are treated for cancer, those who live under the influence of HIV virus and those who use drugs against this disease, people with chronic diseases are at high risk for this disease. identified as groups.
Ways of Preventing Summer Flu and Treatment Methods
Let's look at what we need to do to avoid getting this disease before the treatment methods of summer flu. First of all, let's focus on this topic, how we can protect ourselves from the harmful effects of air conditioning, which is a stopover for bacteria that cause summer flu and sudden air changes.
In order to be protected from air-conditioning microorganisms, the air-conditioned room must be well ventilated before the air conditioner is operated. Before going to sleep at night, the air conditioner should not be turned directly towards the body, air conditioner maintenance should be done periodically and the filters should be changed on time. When these precautions are taken, the risk of catching summer flu caused by air conditioning is reduced to a minimum.
In addition to the precautions taken for air conditioners, drinking plenty of water, taking a shower after the sea and the pool and drying thoroughly, changing sweaty clothes frequently, ensuring that the skin is ventilated at regular intervals, not being caught in the wind when wet or sweaty, not consuming cold drinks unconsciously and quickly, avoiding heavy activities in hot periods. We can say that other measures to be taken against summer flu.
Medication methods are not usually necessary for mild to moderate summer flu; However, we can say that there may be situations where medicamentous treatment is required depending on the patient's disease history and special conditions. For those other than these people, consuming plenty of fluids, resting, consuming foods high in vitamin C, consuming hot things to reduce sore throat, avoiding heavy foods that may upset the stomach, are the most successful alternative treatment methods in order to overcome the disease.
In severe cases or in cases where the disease does not go away, it is necessary to consult an ENT specialist and use the drugs given by him. It is best not to use drugs by yourself in the summer flu. Because the drugs used for normal flu are not effective in summer flu and do harm instead of benefit. The use of drugs that are effective for summer flu under the control of a doctor usually gives results within 48 hours and the control of the disease is provided by drug therapy.
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