When working with the right methods, learning becomes an inevitable and most enjoyable part of life. Whether you want to learn a new language or prepare for an important exam. If you want to jumpstart your knowledge base and increase your productivity, these tactics are for you.
At certain points in life, you encounter many challenging topics that you have to learn. As people get older, their learning capacity weakens because the nerve cells in the brain that are necessary for learning shrink due to stress and lose their shape.
Whereas 0 to 7 years old brain is a sponge, we observe and imitate the behavior and attitudes of the people around us so we learn through osmosis. Everything we learn during these years becomes a part of us, from the age of 7 learning becomes more structured and less natural.
After age 7, we can formulate structured reasoning and everything we learn conflicts with what we already know. So, how can we facilitate learning in a certain part of life and make knowledge a part of us?
A correct method of study is your safe route to the definitive learning of a concept or a topic. If you are one of those people who work for hours and not be productive, you are probably going through the wrong system. The main reason for finding the right working system is that it helps you get more efficiency by working less. So you learn more in less time.
Try to learn about your tendencies while focusing on finding the right system. Go for whatever you're inclined to. Understanding the type of your memory greatly helps you to work with the right techniques that appeal to you. For example, photographic memory makes it easier to memorize images, texts, shapes, and colors, while auditory memory relies on memorizing sound sequences.
There are 3 effective laws on learning developed by the American psychologist Edward Lee Thorndike; the preparatory law, the exercise law, and the effect law. This technique helps you achieve a learning process that facilitates and supports your assimilation of the information you have learned.
- The law of preparation can be explained as when you are most ready to learn. If you're in a noisy environment or don't feel very well, allow yourself to create the perfect conditions to work. Instead of sitting at a desk just to work, coordinate your motivation correctly and act.
- The law of exercise emphasizes that the most consistent method for learning is practice. The most repetitive information, concepts and actions are those that are best learned, so the basis of your learning method should be practical.
- Finally, the law of influence means that you absorb what you have learned with positive emotions. While the learning process is facilitated when associated with positive sensations, it slows or stops when associated with negative sensations. At this point, it will be very useful to shape your working system with a rewarding and positive perspective.
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