Training In Heels

by July 14, 2023 0 komentar

I'm not saying never to train in heels, but if you leave the office so late that you really don't have time, save the day.

I guess some ladies have an obligation to go to work in high heels. (What kind of boss forces a person to do this?!) Some ladies feel short without heels. Frankly, I don't understand this situation. Do we all have to be tall? It doesn't matter if you're 1.60 or 1.80 tall. What matters is whether you are in shape or not. Movie stars are all short but nobody checks them tall, right?

When I wear high heels, my feet start to hurt after a few hours. Although the shoes look extremely comfortable, the entire center of gravity shifts to the front of the foot and to the toes, and this starts to hurt after a while.

My mom used to say that wearing stilettos would cause a varicose-like collection of capillaries called “Spider Veins”. Indeed, wearing high heels can impede circulation by preventing blood from reaching the lower limbs.

Of course, there is no harm in wearing high-heeled shoes once in a while, but women who wear high-heeled shoes all the time may become painful after a while, even with normal shoes.

If you are fond of stillettos, you need to prepare yourself for back pain. These back pains are caused by your spine being forced to move in an abnormal way. Long story short: I think you should start training instead of wearing heels to make your legs look slimmer.

However, if you have to wear high heels constantly because of your job, like a television presenter, I recommend you to do these movements that will regulate your blood circulation and eliminate the risk of clot formation in the leg. You can safely do these movements while your heels are still on your feet.

Unless otherwise stated, do these moves for 12 repetitions and 3 sets. Of course, you can also do these moves with sneakers!

Place your right foot on the ground and lift your left leg up until it is parallel to the ground. Repeat the movement for your other leg. Repeat the same movement by lifting both legs off the ground with support from a chair.

Bring your feet together on the floor and then gently bend your back towards the floor, bringing your hands behind your head. Then rise up until your spine is straight.

Sit on your chair with your back straight, raise your elbows to shoulder height, bring your hands together at chest level and pull with all your strength. After waiting 5-10 seconds in this way, let go of your hands and relax.

Now do the reverse of this move: Again, put your hands together at chest level and try to push as hard as possible. After waiting 5-10 seconds in this way, let go of your hands and relax.

Bend your left elbow slightly and bring it closer to your chest, hold your left arm for support with your right hand, and increase the intensity of the stretch by gently bringing your left arm close to your chest. Hold this position for 5-10 seconds.

Sit on the edge of a chair and support the chair with both hands. Your legs should be on the floor, forming a 90-degree angle. Now bend your elbows. Make sure you bend your elbows back, not to the side. Slowly lower your body to the ground like this and then lift it up.

Open your hands shoulder-width apart and place them on the table. Your body needs to be straight. As you inhale, move yourself down until your chest almost touches the table. Now exhale and move your upper body upward towards the starting point while squeezing your chest.

Sit on the edge of a chair and support the chair with both hands. Lie back slightly with your back straight and continue the movement by lifting your right foot first, then your left foot off the ground.

Sit on the edge of a chair and support the chair with both hands. Lie back slightly with your back straight and work your side muscles by turning your torso to the right as you lift both feet off the ground. To make the exercise more effective, try to stretch your legs. If you can't stretch your legs, focus only on rotating your torso and repeat the movement for both your right and left sides.

Put your right elbow on the table. If you have a mouse pad at home, you can use it as a pillow under your elbow. Bring your body straight into the side plank position. Your hips should never come close to the ground to break the line. If you can, lift your hips into the air and repeat the movement 12 times on each side. 



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