It turns out that it is that easy to throw away the negative energy you have! 15 tips to have a positive outlook on the day

Pointing out the importance of positive psychology and well-being for mental health, experts state that positive psychology is based on health, not disease. So, how does one look at life positively? What should one do to be positive? Here are the tips you can use to get a more energetic start on bad days...

Even though it is difficult to start a happy and positive day every day, there are some activities that help people have a positive look at life.

According to expert clinical psychologist İhsan Öztekin, the concept of 'well-being' refers to the individual's physical, emotional and mental health; On the other hand, it also expresses the state of being able to achieve satisfaction, inner peace and happiness with the current situation.

According to the news in T24, at this point, positive psychology focuses on the positive characteristics of people rather than their pathological, negative thoughts and behaviors, on the basis of protecting mental health. It starts from health, not disease. Well-being here is not just the absence of diseases, but a state of complete physical, spiritual and social well-being.

1) Getting physical attention from someone you love definitely makes your day happier.

2) Spending time with your dog or cat.

3) Listening to the music you like.

4) Watching a comedy show you like.

5) A nice, tight hug.

6) Seeing the smile of the person you love.

7) Watching sweet cat videos.

8) To relax and dive into the world of computer games.

9) Spending time and playing games with your child.

10) Doing a relaxing exercise after a tiring day.

11) When you lie down in bed, you realize that you have nothing to do tomorrow and relax.

12) Chatting and spending time with your friends on the phone or computer.

13) Smelling the beautiful smell of the hot meals your wife has prepared when you come home.

14) Drinking a good cup of coffee.

15) Watching a good movie or TV series.

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