What Causes Earache?

 Earache is a common health problem that negatively affects people's lives. Ear pain, which can occur for various reasons, can lead to serious complications if not diagnosed and treated in time. In this article, we will discuss the causes, symptoms, treatment options and prevention methods of earache in detail.

Definition of Earache
Earache is a feeling of pain or discomfort caused by a problem in the outer, middle or inner ear. This may occur due to an infection in the ear, the presence of a foreign object, trauma, or another health problem.

Earache Symptoms
Earache symptoms may vary from person to person. Some common symptoms are:

General Symptoms:
Pain or feeling of pain in the ear

Itching or burning sensation in the ear
Hearing loss or a feeling of fullness in the ear

Symptoms in Children:
Crying or restlessness

Ear tugging or rubbing
Loss of appetite or moodiness

What Causes Earache?
Earache can be caused by many different factors. The most common causes include infections, ear cleaning, high pressure changes, and ear injuries.

Middle ear infection (fluid accumulation and infection in the middle ear)

Outer ear infection (inflammation of the ear canal)
Inner ear infection (also known as labyrinthitis, an infection in the area of ​​the inner ear where balance and hearing are controlled)

Ear Cleaning:
Hard objects used for ear cleaning damage the eardrum

Pushing earwax further in by using a cotton swab

High Pressure Changes:
Changes in ear pressure associated with situations such as airplane travel or diving

Ear Injuries:
Pain and discomfort caused by trauma, impact or injury to the ear

Treatment of Earache
Treatment of earache varies depending on its underlying cause. However, medications are often used to relieve pain and control infection.

Treatments that can be applied at home:
Hot or cold compresses to relieve earache

Use of painkillers (with doctor's recommendation)
Cleaning and drying the discharge from the ear

Doctor's Examination and Treatment Options:
The doctor may recommend antibiotic treatment in case of infection.

In cases such as middle ear infection, it may be necessary to puncture the eardrum and drain the fluid.

In rare cases, surgical intervention may be required.

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