You look great in the mirror, but you're overweight in photos: What should you do about it?

You look like a completely different person in the photos. Sound familiar? You may think it's because the photographer isn't professional, you can't pose, or even your appearance. But in reality, you just need to avoid common mistakes to make sure you look great in your photos.

You're looking at the wrong side of the light
Not everyone knows, but the light is responsible for the model's age in photographs.

“Light can easily add decades to a young and beautiful girl and, on the contrary, help hide her age,” explains the posing coach and body rhetoric expert.

How to work with light correctly? Try to stand with your nose facing him. This will help avoid the "panda" effect: your eyes and nasolabial folds will not be shaded, and your face will always look fresh and bright.

You're holding your breath
Most of the time, when we stand in front of the camera, we freeze and even forget to breathe. As a result, we often look frozen and lifeless in photographs. Try to forget about the camera and take a few deep breaths through your mouth. You will immediately calm down and relax your face, and the photographer will be able to capture your natural beauty.

You lean your face forward too much
If a double chin suddenly appears in your photo, you may be pressing it too hard against your neck. We recommend relaxing your neck, releasing your chin, and extending the top of your head toward the sky. You should not lift your shoulders at the same time; it is better to lower them to stand more naturally and confidently.

You press your hands to your body
Sometimes our hands look too big in photos. This can be the result of a common mistake: pressing them too close to your body. Keep this in mind when posing.

You're standing next to the camera
You want to stop 3/4 of the way through the camera but it comes out sideways? In this case, it is not surprising that the stomach in the photo looks larger than it actually is. Avoid side posing. Semi-profile will perfectly emphasize your figure, regardless of its type and shape.

You pose while sitting
Many people prefer to take photos while sitting and make a common mistake - hiding their legs under the arm of a chair or sofa. As a result, the knees in the picture look too big and the legs look short. Therefore, if you want to pose while sitting, stretch your legs forward.

You are constantly trying to fix your hair
Many girls try to stand so that the photographer can capture the moment when we unobtrusively touch our hair and straighten an unruly strand. But let's be honest: In this case, in most cases, your elbows will be in the center of the photo, not you. Therefore, unless you are a professional model, it is better to put your elbows behind your back.

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