What is Urethrocystoscopy?

Urethrocystoscopy or cystoscopy is the process of examining the inside of the urethra and bladder in detail with a special lighted camera device. This procedure is performed by a urologist .

Why Is Cystoscopy Performed?
It is usually done for reasons such as blood in the urine or difficulty urinating. It is done when there is cancer in the bladder or when there is a suspicion of urethral stricture. In urethral stricture, this procedure is used to understand at what level of the urethra the stricture is. It also provides information such as whether there is a tumor in the bladder, if there is, how many and how big they are. Cystoscopy also provides information about the size of the prostate. Again, it is understood whether there are stones in the bladder. Cystoscopy should also be done during the insertion of a catheter into the kidneys.

How is Urethrocystoscopy Performed?
The patient does not need to be hospitalized for the cystoscopy procedure. The patient can return to their daily routine after the procedure. Before the procedure, the person urinates and empties their bladder. Then the patient is laid on a special table. A numbing gel is applied to the urethra and the procedure is performed. The procedure takes approximately 5 to 10 minutes.

The device called cystoscope is entered through the urethra and advanced towards the bladder. The cystoscope is a thin, lighted tube-shaped device with a lens on its end, connected to a camera system. There are two models of cystoscope devices. One of them is rigid, inflexible and made of metal. The other is like a cable and can be bent.

During the procedure, water or physiological serum is injected into the bladder. As this fluid fills the bladder, the bladder wall is stretched. In this way, the bladder can be examined better.

Is There Pain During Cystoscopy?
People often wonder if they will feel pain during cystoscopy and are afraid of feeling pain. However, there is usually no pain during this procedure. This is because a numbing substance is sprayed into the urethra before the procedure. This will numb the inside of the urethra and eliminate the feeling of pain. In addition, with the advances in technology, these procedures are now performed with a flexible cystoscope, which is thin, almost like a cable and can be bent . There may be some discomfort and a need to urinate during the procedure. However, this does not cause problems for patients and can be tolerated comfortably.

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