What Should You Do to Protect Yourself from Breast Cancer?

Is it possible to protect yourself from breast cancer ? What should be done to protect yourself? Breast cancer is a cancer that originates from the cells in the layer lining the milk glands or milk ducts in the breast. It is the most common type of cancer in women. Its incidence increases with age. Breast cancer can originate from any area of ​​the breast tissue. As a result of the uncontrolled proliferation of cells, the disease spreads to other nearby and distant organs over time, leading to the patient's death. The exact cause of the disease is not known. However, it is more common in those with a genetic predisposition.

What Should Be Done To Protect Yourself From Breast Cancer?

Ideal Weight Should Be Maintained
Increased body fat increases the risk of breast cancer. This is because most of the estrogen is produced in the body's fat tissue. In particular, gaining weight after menopause further increases the risk of breast cancer. After menopause, the body's source of estrogen is primarily fat tissue.

The distribution of fat in the body also has an effect on the development of breast cancer. For example, women who are overweight in the upper abdomen are at higher risk of breast cancer than women who are overweight in the hip and leg areas. This is because these women have lower levels of sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG) and more estrogen circulating freely in the blood. Freely circulating estrogen binds more to breast tissue.

Medicines Containing Female Hormones Should Not Be Used If Possible
Hormone replacement therapy, which is used especially in postmenopausal women, uses female hormones such as estrogen and progesterone to replace the depleted female hormones. In particular, treatments that use estrogen and progesterone together are riskier in terms of breast cancer development than treatments that use estrogen alone. For these reasons, this hormone replacement therapy should not be used unless there is a medical reason.

Exercise Should Be Done Regularly
Regular exercise prevents a person from gaining weight. Thus, estrogen-producing fatty tissue does not form in the body. Another benefit of regular exercise is that it strengthens the immune system. The immune system prevents the formation of cancer cells.

Studies have shown that regular exercise during the premenopausal period significantly reduces the risk of breast cancer. Since weight gain during the postmenopausal period increases estrogen levels and increases the risk of breast cancer, exercise during this period becomes even more important.

Alcohol Consumption Should Be Reduced
Studies have shown that the risk of developing breast cancer is higher in those who drink alcohol regularly every day than in those who do not drink alcohol. This is due to the effect of alcohol on estrogen destruction and the increase in blood estrogen levels.

Smoking Should Be Quit
Smoking increases the risk of developing breast cancer, as it does for many other cancers. Therefore, it is very important not to smoke to avoid getting breast cancer.

Chemicals in Cosmetic Products Should Be Avoided
Some cosmetic products such as moisturizers, perfumes, hair care products and nail polishes, many personal care and cleaning products can cause breast cancer due to some chemicals such as parabens. Parabens were found in biopsies taken from patients with breast cancer. Parabens are used in make-up products, deodorants and shampoos to prevent the formation of bacteria and mold.

Is it possible to prevent breast cancer with medication?
If a woman is at high risk for breast cancer, preventive hormone therapy may be started. The drugs used for this are those containing the active ingredients tamoxifen and raloxifene.
There are studies that show that the incidence of breast cancer in high-risk women is halved with the use of such drugs. However, such drugs have some side effects, primarily the effect of making the blood clot more easily. The use of such drugs is recommended by the doctor after certain examinations.

It is Possible to Prevent Breast Cancer
Some precautions can reduce the risk of developing breast cancer. Especially during menopause, when the disease is more common, consuming foods rich in vitamins A and C, staying away from animal fats and consuming fibrous foods, and staying away from salty, smoked and canned foods can protect against breast cancer. In addition, not consuming alcohol and smoking or quitting if you do reduce the risk of cancer. Care should be taken not to exceed the ideal weight. For this, it is necessary to do regular sports and be active. Stress and tiring working conditions should be avoided as much as possible. People with a family history of breast cancer should be especially careful about breast cancer and have regular breast examinations by a general surgeon .

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