What Are The Methods Of Removing Wasps From Home?

Practical methods you will apply to drive away and fight the wasps that you frequently encounter in your home or gardens to prevent you from stinging.

Why Is Wasp Dangerous?

Because wasps are very dangerous, they will visit you often if they nest close to your habitat. Wasps are also called wasps. Getting rid of wasps you often encounter is not as easy as it seems. To deal with a hornet colony, you must be brave and your preparations must be very good. If wasps bite a human, the harms are as follows:

  • It will damage fruits and vegetables;
  • The infection causes you to shut down;
  • There may be severe pain that starts suddenly;
  • In case of sting, its venom causes the development of allergic reactions in some people.

It nests in places that people will have difficulty accessing. It causes people to be afraid because of its large appearance. With many people, the sting will suddenly become swollen and red with their sting.

Often, wasps nest on the roofs of houses, metal pipes or empty coals. It is most often seen in the spring months and is dangerous.

What Should Be Done When Seeing A Wasp?

If you encounter wasps, we recommend that you pay attention to the warnings we have written to prevent you from biting.

  • If you make sudden movements, hornets will see you and attack you;
  • He should be calm and act suddenly will annoy him;
  • You should walk with quiet and calm movements;
  • Since bees love moisture, it will attract wasps when you sweat, as they love humid environments. You should wipe your sweat slowly.

If you are encountering bees frequently, you must ensure that there are no humid environments that will attract their attention. Since wasps love sweet, you should definitely close the mouths of your fruit or sweets tightly.

Pepper Incontinence Method

If you hang red pepper in your home, the bees will smell and move away from their environment. If the scents emitted by the red pepper in the environment are felt by the bees, it will leave the environment quickly. You may have taken precautions easily, as the smell emitted by the pepper will frighten the bees away. It should be either dry or fresh peppers. It should be the red pepper you will use. Since the smell of green or different colored peppers is different, it causes them not to escape.

Avoid Bees With Vinegar

Vinegar also has a pungent odor. This smell allows bees and other harmful insects to escape. The scent of the vinegar will make them go away instantly so that you can miss the bees who will frequently enter your home to keep harmful insects from escaping. Pour over trees and flowers in your garden. In addition, if you pour it on curtains or on your furniture so that the bees that frequently enter your home are away from the home environment, the scent will prevent the bees from entering.

Trapping Bees

  • 1 pet bottle;
  • 100 grams of honey or jam;
  • Olive oil.

Using vinegar or pepper, the scent frightens off bees, and at the same time, their scent makes some people uncomfortable. That's why you need to set up a trap to catch the bees if they are not preferred. For this, an empty plastic bottle should be purchased. Put a small amount of oil in it and shake it. You have to put 100 grams of honey or jam in it. Because the dessert attracts bees, it will enter the plastic bottle.

Thanks to olive oil, it will not be possible for the bee to escape. It will slide and fall each time. At the same time, when it moves towards the bottom to eat the dessert, it will be impossible to get out because it will stick. Close its mouth immediately and throw it away and you will be free from the bee.

Adhesive Tape

The tape will allow you to trap the little bees, so it will help them stick. For this, you need to take a large duct tape and tear it off a little longer so that it is long. The tape should be folded in half and glued over one layer. You can also use double-sided tapes to set up this trap. Apply honey to a portion of the tape to attract more bees' attention. With the scent of honey, it will head there, then it will stick on the tape because it will want to eat.

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