For the first time in the 100-year history of IQ tests, women surpass men. In the final tests, it was revealed that women were five points smarter than men. James Flynn, the researcher; He explained the results of his studies on Estonia, Argentina, New Zealand, USA, Canada and Western Europe as a sign of modern life. She says that women's brains develop more when they manage their home and business life together. Professor of neuro-biologist. Donald W. Pfaff, on the other hand, states that as a result of studies that have lasted for years, men and women think and feel differently in different ways. As a result of these researches;
Hypothalamus is Large in Male
Women often complain that when they mean something, men understand something different or, worse, do not understand at all. But in this sense, one should not blame men too much. Because such situations are caused by men's brains working differently. Male and female brains; both features and sizes are different from each other. Therefore, you should not be angry with your lover or spouse as they perceive different things. It is necessary to try to understand how their brains work.
What Kind of Differences Are There between the male and female brains?
Men's brains are mathematically better than women's brains. But the male brain looks very different at perceiving any object or any problem. The hypothalamus is larger in men in the limbic system, which is the center of many feelings of desire, hunger, love, and fear. This causes them to be more sensitive to violence and sex. There is a weight difference between the two brains. Men's brain is heavier than women's brain. The factors that will determine intelligence in men and women are environmental and genetic factors.
Differences Between Male and Female Brains
Emotional responses occur in both the left and right hemispheres of women's brains. In men, these centers occur only in the left hemisphere. This is the reason why men have difficulties in expressing their usual feelings.
Women are very sensitive to sour and sweet things. Men, on the other hand, need salty substances more often.
The sense of hearing in women is more developed than in men. They can immediately notice even the tiny changes in their tone of voice.
Stuttering problem is more common in men. Women, on the other hand, learn a foreign language more easily than men.
The center that guides the ability to speak in women is located in the left part of the brain. In males, this center is located in the posterior and anterior parts of the brain. Due to this, women's speaking abilities are more developed.In men, the part of the brain that provides information flow between the left and right hemispheres is smaller than that of women. This restricts the exchange of information that exists between the left lobe, which is the emotional side of the brain, and the right lobe, which is the logical side. On the other hand, women use both sides in situations they encounter. They find balanced solutions based on both their emotional and logical outlook.
Serotonin levels are higher in the brains of women. This situation causes women to be in control.
Men's brains secrete 10 more testosterone hormones than women's brains. In addition, this rate increases 20 times more during adolescence. Thanks to these hormones, people become more loud, aggressive and active.
The processor related to language is more developed in the brains of women. Because of this, girls speak earlier than boys. Desires such as chatting and talking are more developed in women. Men's space shape processors take up a larger space. It is because of this that there are many men in fields such as engineering, construction and machinery. Certain differences seem to be observed between male and female brains.
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