Why Does It Enjoy Watching the Same Movies Over and Over?

Many of us have at least one movie apart from their favorite movie that they always like to watch and always get the taste of the first day no matter how many times they have watched. Although it sometimes relieves us of being able to follow the movie with little effort while watching something, not needing to think too much about the movie, and not need to think too much about the movie, there are subconscious reasons behind this situation. In these times when we can control the broadcast flow and have instant access to every content we want to watch, the main reasons we prefer to watch the same movies over and over are still related to our psychological needs.

Here are the psychological reasons why we want to watch movies full of familiar faces, events whose course we know, and even memorized lines from time to time!

Little effort is required
When watching a movie that has been watched before, the brain starts to enjoy the same with less effort. Already knowing about characters and events, the brain can follow and predict events without cognitive effort. Especially when the person is tired, busy with a different job, or when they are full, they tend to watch the movies they have watched before.

More important than knowing the story, watching the movies again creates the perception in the mind of the person that he / she has encountered a person he / she used to know. Usually, the brain tends to connect with the characters while watching movies, and over time begins to sympathize with these people. When it comes to the monitoring phase, the feeling of loyalty comes into play without the person even aware of the situation.

Usually, the person unwittingly establishes very similar ties with his immediate surroundings with the characters in the film and relates these characters to real life. In fact, the person sometimes identifies himself with movie characters who experience real life situations and provides emotional support by watching these movies.
It reminds happy memories
Watching the movies again creates nostalgic feelings in the person and good memories come to the fore for the person. If the person was in an environment where he felt peaceful, happy and belonging to his loved ones before watching this movie, the same feelings come to life again. Watching certain movies, especially in stressful and sad times, is generally not related to the movie itself, but to the environment, the people you have been in and the emotions felt while watching this movie.  

The re-watched films satisfy the need for approval by the family and close circle and belonging to a community that a person needs. The feeling of empathy combined with the feeling of nostalgia and the state of being oneself strengthen one's bonds with the past, revive memories, and help bring back the feelings that were left in the past and longed for.
On the other hand, the subconscious knows that this re-watched movie has been watched and loved by a group before, so it makes you feel like belonging, being a member of a group and being approved.
Gives a "everything under control" feeling
Having seen the movie before gives the person the chance to predict future events and situations that will happen to the characters. This is a situation that especially relieves people who want to be in control at all times and who are otherwise stressed.
So, does watching the same movies over and over again have a negative effect on the brain?

Although it is quite innocent to watch the movies that the person watches over and over again, it has some negative effects on the brain. The main reason for watching the same movies is that they evoke a sense of "familiarity" in the person's brain.

However, the long and intense repetition of the replay situation may cause this feeling to weaken the bond it establishes with positive feelings such as happiness and satisfaction and to establish new connections with boring, uninteresting and similar negative emotions.

At the same time, watching it again can cause a person's interest to narrow and his creative side to become dull. Your brain gets used to getting the same happiness with less attention and avoids situations that require more effort, such as the productivity process. In other words, it's kind of dull. 

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