Tonic Recommendations for Oily Skin: Special for All Different Skins

Oily skin structure is a condition that results from instability in the moisture balance and causes the skin to produce excess sebum, that is, oil cells, which causes many skin problems . Excess sebum brings many problems such as excessive shine of the skin, enlarged and prominent pores, blackheads, oil filament, acne, scars and blemishes. Inorder not to encountersuch skin problems , it is necessary to stop excess sebum immediately, and the only way to do this is with regular and correct skin care.

The most common mistake people with oily skin make is to think that excess sebum is moisture. No matter how oily your skin is, that doesn't necessarily mean it's moist, and lack of moisture is one of the main causes of excess sebum production. For this reason, with a tonic suitable for your skin type, you can both get rid of your skin problems and get rid of excess sebum by keeping the moisture rate of your skin in balance. If you are one of those people who have oily skin and want to add tonic to their skin care routine, we have suggestions.

Tonic Recommendations for Oily Skin
One of the indispensable steps of the daily skin care routine is tonic. While saving your face, which you have washed with a cleanser suitable for your skin type, from the last residues, it also contributes to the tightening of the pores.

Tonic For Skin With Acne and Blackheads
Unfortunately, the most common skin problem faced by oily skin is acne and blackheads. Blackheads and pimples occur as a result of excess sebum on the skin surface accumulating in the pores and clogging them. Our first recommendation in this regard is that you should never squeeze blackheads and pimples. Because you may also have to struggle with stains, scars and enlarged pores. Let's come to the tonic we recommend for this skin problem . La Rocha Posay Effectlar series is a series that is the savior of acne- prone skin.

Thanks to the LHA and citric acid in the tonic of this series , it fights skin problems with micro-peeling on the skin surface, while deeply cleaning the pores and preventing them from clogging. This toner, which provides deep cleansing and regeneration of skin texture, can be a great part of the daily care routine for acne and blackhead skin. We will use it in the morning and evening after washing your face with a cleanser suitable for your skin type. When applying this tonic to the acne-prone areas, be careful to use it with buffer movements.

Tonic for Large Porous Skin
One of the most common problems faced by oily skin is enlarged pores. The number of pores and the size of the pores are unfortunately genetic. Pores are just like balloons, even if there is more or less air inside, the balloon is the same balloon.

But this means that you cannot reduce the images. You can reduce the image by taking the air inside the balloons. One of the biggest factors that cause pores to appear large is excess sebum. For this reason, you can greatly reduce the pore problem with proper and regular skin care. Ducray Keracnly Lotion is a tonic that helps people with pore problems in skin care. With the glycolic acid, salicylic acid and hamamelis extract it contains, it has all the fighting ingredients you need, especially when fighting pores.

In addition, you can accustom your skin to acids with this product, which is ideal for people whose skin is not accustomed to acid use. It is suitable for use in the morning and evening after washing your face with a cleanser suitable for your skin type. Also, do not forget to use sunscreen when using products containing acid.

Tonic For Blemished Skin
Oily skin is the type of skin that is most prone to acne formation if it is not taken care of regularly. For this reason, acne, which is one of the complaints of many oily skin owners, can cause brown and red spots after they pass. If you are complaining about your spots and skin tone imbalances after acne, the illuminating tonic in the Be Bright series of Dermoskin brand is just for you. Suitable for all skin types with vitamin c, panthenol, niacinamide, hyaluronic acid and glycyrrhiz glabra in its content, this tonic moisturizes your skin, fights your spots, evens your skin tone and illuminates your skin.

Tonic for Extremely Glowing Skin
Oily skin with high sebum content is one of the most common problems during the day. To cope with the problem of shine, you need to maintain the sebum balance of your skin. Prepared for combination and oily skin, Garnier Pure & Clean Purifying and Firming Tonic not only fights excess sebum on your face, but also reduces your customs. This product, which provides the skin with a matte appearance, is an invaluable caftan for people with shine problems.

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