What are the Methods of Removing the Burning Smell in the House?

by September 27, 2021 0 komentar

After the fire, a very serious burning smell occurs in the apartment. Information on what you need to do to eliminate this odor.

What to Do for Burning Smell

When there is a burning smell in the apartment, the first thing to do is to ventilate the room.In order for the polluted air inside to come out and the fresh air to enter, the windows and balcony door must be opened and the interior should be ventilated. With the introduction of fresh air inside, there will be a decrease in odor. Apart from this, the following methods should be done:

  • Operation of the air conditioner;
  • run the fan;
  • Performing general cleaning by emptying the room.

Due to the fact that the odor that permeates the apartment is very disturbing and the necessary procedures are not carried out for a long time, the odor will not come out. After the fire, the room must be evacuated immediately. It is recommended to use a mask as there will be a serious odor while this process is taking place. You also need to know that after unloading the items, open all rooms and windows that open to the outside so that the fresh air can enter and absorb the bad smell, allowing the fresh air to enter.

Create a Humid Environment

  • 5 large buckets;
  • Enough boiling water to fill buckets.

In order to remove the smell from the room quickly, the first thing you will do is to put hot water in the buckets . Thanks to the steam, it will absorb the odor and it will be effective in its removal in a short time. You should ventilate the room by opening the glass and door after the fire, as the humidity will absorb the bad smells. We said 5 buckets while giving the recipe, but the more buckets you find, the more effective it will be. You should fill the buckets with boiling water. Put it in the room with the offensive odor and let it sit.

It should be changed again with the cooling of the water. You have to repeat this process until the smell is gone.

Lavender Water

  • 1 cup of lavender;
  • 1 bucket;
  • 5 liters of water.

It is a method that will be effective in removing the bad odor faster as the humidity will absorb the odor in the room. However, when plants with a nice smell such as lavender are thrown into the water and humidity is created in the room, they will both absorb the smell and emit a nice smell. For this, the first thing you will do is to buy lavender from the plant. To prepare water with dried lavender, you need to add 1 glass of water to 5 liters of water. The more moisture you create, the sooner you will eliminate bad odors.

For this reason, you should prepare the mixture in a bucket with the same dimensions and put it in the room. You should change it as the water cools down.

Vinegar Water

  • 1 liter of vinegar;
  • 4 liters of water;
  • 1 large bucket.

You can use it as another method as the vinegar will act very quickly. But vinegar has an unpleasant odor for some people. In such a case, vinegar is generally not preferred by our people. But we would like to say that vinegar is always known as a method that provides the fastest and fastest removal of bad smells. The method you will do for this process will be to take any vinegar from you and put it in the bucket. You should add 4 liters of boiled water to it and mix it. You have to leave the room by opening the door of the room where the fire smell has permeated. After 12 hours, the odor will be largely gone.


  • 5 tablespoons of ammonia;
  • 3 liters of water;
  •  Micro fiber cloth.

Due to the fact that the smell permeates the furniture, the first method you will do to remove these odors is to get rid of the smell by humidifying the ventilation and room in order to remove the odor to a large extent. Afterwards, after carrying out the general cleaning of the house, ammonia should be placed in a bucket. After mixing, first of all, in order to remove the smell on your belongings left after the fire, the micro fiber cloth should be dipped in ammonia water in the bucket and your items should be wiped. In this way, you will get rid of the bad smell as it will absorb the bad smell on your belongings.




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