Drinking Soda and Mineral Water During Pregnancy

Drinking soda during pregnancy is different from drinking mineral water during pregnancy. Soda and mineral water are separated from each other in terms of naturalness. However, the two are often confused. Therefore, it should be known whether what is meant is soda or mineral water and a choice should be made accordingly.

Before talking about the benefits of consuming mineral water or soda as it is known among the people during pregnancy, it is an issue that should be known and emphasized that mineral water and soda are two different drinks. Because the artificial gas in soda is naturally present in mineral water. When buying mineral water, pay attention to the 'natural mineral water' written on the bottles and choose them. The inscription 'Enriched with Carbon Dioxide' refers to soda.

Can You Drink Soda While Pregnant?
In normal times, we can drink mineral water with peace of mind. What about drinking soda during pregnancy?  These questions are frequently asked by pregnant women and those who drink a lot of mineral water during normal times wonder about the effects during pregnancy. Let's get to the answers to all these questions and curiosities.

It will be beneficial for those who crave fizzy drinks during pregnancy to choose more natural drinks instead of drinking artificial sweeteners and acidic drinks. You can safely consume mineral water during pregnancy, which you drink with peace of mind during normal times. Is it necessary to drink soda during pregnancy, you can decide by looking at its benefits.

Benefits of Mineral Water during Pregnancy
Mineral waters (provided that they are natural of course) are beneficial for both the expectant mother and the developing baby during pregnancy. Minerals and vitamins such as calcium and magnesium in its content provide support to expectant mothers in this process and facilitate the process.

    Mineral water prevents osteoporosis; Expectant mothers who have limited consumption of dairy products during pregnancy may prefer mineral waters rich in calcium. Mineral water, which contains more than 300 mg of calcium per liter, is easily available in many markets in our country. A glass of milk contains 200 mg of calcium. Mineral waters are a good alternative for expectant mothers who cannot consume milk and dairy products during pregnancy.
    Mineral water prevents tooth decay; The risk of tooth decay is much higher during pregnancy. Therefore, abundant intake of fluorine is essential for this process. Mineral waters rich in fluorine can be beneficial for you.
    Mineral water facilitates digestion, prevents constipation; Mineral water is also a rich source of sulfate, which facilitates digestion. Sulfate stimulates the secretion of enzymes from the pancreas that aid in digestion. Natural mineral waters such as Beypazarı and Sarıkız containing plenty of sulfate and magnesium will be beneficial for expectant mothers who have indigestion and constipation problems in the later stages of pregnancy.
    Mineral water is good for pregnancy cramps; One of the most common problems during pregnancy is cramping, especially in the last months. However, natural mineral waters, which are very rich in magnesium, are very useful for pregnancy cramps.
    Drinking mineral water during pregnancy will not harm the baby, on the contrary, the calcium and minerals in its content will be beneficial for your baby.

Drinking Mineral Water During Pregnancy
It is wrong to develop the idea that drinking mineral water during pregnancy is essential for the health of the baby. There is no scientific fact about this either; however, when it is drunk, it will not harm the expectant mother and her baby, as it is natural and pure. On the contrary, not drinking mineral water during pregnancy causes deficiency for neither the mother nor the baby. In short, if mineral water is drunk during pregnancy, it will be beneficial for the mother and the baby; Even if you don't drink it, there is no harm.

During pregnancy, expectant mothers who especially crave acidic beverages can easily consume this naturally acidic beverage, provided that it is not excessive. It is beneficial to drink plenty of water during almost every period of pregnancy. It is possible to provide this with many drinks such as normal water, freshly squeezed fruit juices, other than mineral water. Mineral water can be drunk at any time of pregnancy with peace of mind. 1-2 glasses of natural mineral water a day is ideal for expectant mothers.

Is It Harmful to Drink Soda During Pregnancy?
Many brands of mineral water that we buy and consume as mineral water are actually soda artificially and enriched with carbon dioxide. Expectant mothers who observe that their heartburn complaints increase after consuming mineral water, but do not want to be deprived of the minerals it contains, may prefer non-gas or gas-free mineral waters.

Another reason for avoiding mineral water consumption during pregnancy is the thought that the sodium content of mineral waters may cause problems such as foot swelling. However, there is no basis for the understanding that mineral waters cause foot swelling and high blood pressure due to the sodium in them. Even though the sodium in the mineral water is high, it is in the form of bicarbonate and this has nothing to do with swelling and high blood pressure in the feet.

Drinking Fruit Soda During Pregnancy
When you look behind the fruit sodas, you will see some additives in the "ingredients" section. These are not found in plain mineral waters. But you'll notice that it's in the ones that say "soda" and have fruit. Well, pregnant women can't drink fruit soda?

In this case, you decide. If you want it to be natural, check the additives in fruit sodas and reconsider. As a matter of fact, many drinks, especially fruit soda, have nothing to do with natural mineral water. Such drinks are carbonated drinks that are enriched with sweeteners. The more sensitive you are about the harms of drinking cola during pregnancy, the more sensitive you will be to anything with artificial acid. Therefore, the first thing we should pay attention to; 'Natural mineral water' is written on the bottle of mineral water we bought!

Avoid as much as possible, at least, most of the additives. Instead, mineral water with lemon (natural) during pregnancy will be a very good alternative for you. Not instant lemon soda! Lemon mineral water!

Natural lemon mineral water that you can make yourself instead of ready-made fruit soda will be healthier and will also contribute to meeting the need for vitamin C. For this, you can squeeze lemon into the mineral water. Lemon is also a useful food during pregnancy .

You can decide which brand of mineral water to drink during pregnancy by researching. You can choose the most efficient one by looking at its contents. According to the researches of the Ministry of Health, there are certain brands of mineral waters that give clean results, you can consume them.

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