What Are the Benefits of Tomatoes?

The benefits of tomatoes may vary according to their consumption patterns. The effects of skinless tomato juice and tomato paste are different. When considered as the benefits of tomato, it should be understood as unprocessed, picked from the garden. Past processes can change the effects of tomato.

About Tomato
Although we do not have a very old history with tomato, its usage area is so widespread that it has been used in almost every field, regardless of summer or winter.

Tomatoes, which are rich in lycopene, contain vitamins C, E, K and B and minerals such as phosphorus, sulfur, sodium, potassium and calcium. A tomato has the capacity to meet 50% of its daily vitamin C requirement (natural).

Turkey is the leading country in tomato cultivation. We can consume tomatoes fresh as well as dry them, we use them in many areas, from making tomato paste, soup, even pickling. Tomato canned, tomato juice, tomato puree and many more are available for use. Tomato juice is even recommended for breakfast.

It is possible to consume the tomato, which is no longer in season , fresh every month of the year. Although the development of breeding with technological progress provides such an opportunity, it is a controversial issue to what extent the consumption of out-of-season foods is beneficial against the body's food needs according to the months and seasons. Let's try to list the characteristics of the fragrant tomatoes of the summer months and their benefits to the body, by suggesting that you consume every food on time and in its natural climate.

What Are the Benefits of Tomatoes?
    Thanks to vitamin C, it strengthens the body's immune system and protects it from flu infections. It increases iron intake and encourages its production.
    It works the intestines, relieves constipation.
    Thanks to its fibrous structure, it also reduces the risk of bowel cancer.
    It cleans the body by removing toxins and harmful substances.
    It has been observed that it has a healing effect on oxidative stress problems.
    Thanks to lycopene, it provides resistance against heart diseases.
    Tomato, which relieves arteriosclerosis, is also an anti-aging plant.
    Tomatoes, which are beneficial for the heart, help to lower cholesterol.
    It improves sperm quality in men.
    It has been found to significantly reduce the risk of ovarian cancer in women.
    It prevents the body from holding too much water and ensures that urea and uric acids are expelled.
   It has been determined that constantly consumed tomato helps to destroy prostate cancer cells.
    Tomatoes are a good food for bone health . It delays bone resorption thanks to the lycopene in it.

Benefits of Tomatoes for the Skin
    You can eat the tomato that adds beauty to the skin and apply it to your skin as a cure. It helps to alleviate problems such as acne pimples.
    It is also known to be effective in bee stings and burn treatments.
    Tomatoes and its cure are beneficial in removing calluses on the feet.

Benefits of Tomato Juice
The beneficial properties of tomatoes are similarly effective in its juice. However, the juice of tomatoes, which is not made with skins, reduces some of its benefits. However, in terms of practical use, the effects of tomato juice are as follows:

    Drinking tomato juice provides resistance against skin conditions such as eczema,
    It reduces heart cell damage by improving heart functions,
    Tomato juice added to bath water is good for skin itching.
    Gargle made with tomato juice relieves the throat,
    You can achieve the weakening effect of tomato juice with tomato juice detox .

Tomato selection, use and storage conditions
It is important which tomato is selected and how it is consumed in order to fully benefit from the tomato and to see its benefits. Things to consider when choosing tomatoes:

    Red-colored tomatoes are tomatoes with a high lycopene value. That's why reddish tomatoes are more useful,
    When you store unripe tomatoes in paper bags next to apples, you allow them to ripen naturally. Prefer the closet place at room temperature.
    If you have made or bought natural tomato paste, prevent the tomato paste from becoming moldy. can apply methods to .
    Ripe tomatoes may turn sour after a day or two. Remember, the benefits of keeping ripe tomatoes in the fridge for a long time diminish. It just provides comfort. If you want it to benefit, try to consume fresh tomatoes. Don't keep it in the closet.
    Ideal tomatoes should be fleshy, soft-skinned and heavy.
    It must have a scent. The absence of odor in the picked tomato indicates that the tomato was picked early. You cannot ripen this tomato. Or worse, it is tomato with hormones, in this case, you may be exposed to the damage of tomatoes, pay attention!

Are there any harm or side effects of tomatoes?

Some may have hypersensitivity to tomatoes, in which case redness is seen on the body. Excessive consumption may be inconvenient for people with kidney disease.

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