Benefits and Harms of Herbal Teas

While herbal teas can have benefits, they can also have side effects and even harm. The way a medicinal herbal tea is used can make it beneficial or harmful. This is only answered by the question of which herbal tea should be consumed and how. Every unconscious use can cause the opposite of the desired result.

About Herbal Teas
Plants, which are very natural and each of which is a separate source of healing, can turn into harmful features when used randomly. This situation both causes herbal teas to be exposed to undeserved exclusion, and humanity moves away from medicinal plants with wrong practices and leads to unconscious drug use. Painkillers taken for each headache may seem more innocent. Worse still, while medicinal plants are tried to be underestimated as "husband and wife methods", it is a conscious orientation and the healthiest choice to give advice like "drink an aspirin, swallow a flu..." for every headache!

Neither scientific treatment should be excluded, nor should natural healing resources be abandoned. Making use of all of them in accordance with the place and time will be the most appropriate for the natural order. Humanity has come from nature (it is biologically intertwined with nature) and of course, dismissing nature and natural products cannot be explained with logic. Nor can a scientific treatment and drug intake, which must be done in order to be natural, be ignored and health can be risked. In both, it is important to do research and get treatment as needed.

Some of the plants are called medicinal plants because they help in the treatment. It is wrong to stay away from medicinal plants. Since societies have moved away from naturalness and natural herbal teas, they have come a little closer to the grip of diseases. The negativities of modern life surrounding us, with the disappearance of its natural nutrients ( people more helpless and vulnerable to all kinds of diseases, modernization ). It is a mistake to stay away from herbal teas as a result of misdirections. So what should be done? Should herbal teas be consumed? In fact, should you drink herbal tea instead of water every day?

How to Use Herbal Teas?
First of all, the distinction should be made well; It is neither correct to drink herbal tea at all, nor is it correct to consume a glass of herbal tea every day. So what needs to be done is to be conscious of the reason why we drink herbal tea. We should act by considering our reasons such as "Do we want to stay fit, do we have a sleep problem, do we want to get away from stress and calm down, do we have a problem, are we looking for a solution...".

In the next step, whatever herbal tea is suitable for our drinking reason should be determined. For example, we are very stressed and need to calm down. What we will do is; What are the teas that are good for stress , to find them. Then, when looking at the content of these teas and what they can be beneficial for, the main thing should not be neglected; Is the herbal tea to be chosen the kind that can cause us a side effect? Can a herbal tea that is good for stress cause other diseases to be triggered due to its blood-thinning properties? Or, can tea drunk for other benefits have an adverse effect on a chronic disease (for example, diabetes) in us? The main point to be considered in the selection of herbal teas is the lack of such research.

Things to Consider When Using Herbal Tea
    People with a chronic disease should consume herbal tea appropriately by researching and informing their physician. Books and the internet are a good resource. However, they can also contain hearsay information. Therefore, it would be a good decision to inform the doctor and seek advice.
    Using herbal teas for a long time without interruption can increase their negative properties. Therefore, if it is drunk every day without interruption, it should be taken a break after a certain period of time, and then it should be continued.
    The use of herbal teas during pregnancy is not recommended. The active ingredients in the teas may have drawbacks for the development of a very sensitive baby. Even black tea and coffee should not be consumed frequently, and if necessary, it is more appropriate to leave it until after pregnancy.
    Herbal teas have a shelf life. Although it is dried and smoked, it means that the plants, after one year, have started to lose their properties to a large extent. For this reason, care should be taken to buy each herbal tea fresh (in the harvest year). It is more appropriate to take less and when it is finished. (see: where are herbal teas sold? )

Are Herbal Teas Harmful?
Herbal teas are very harmful. According to whom, according to what?

    When drunk randomly and unconsciously without attention during pregnancy,
    When it is drunk on recommendation (without research) without paying attention to diseases,
    When drinking by putting excessive herbs and boiling for a long time,
    When herbal teas that should not be drunk on an empty stomach are drunk on an empty stomach,
    On a long road at night, when relaxing tea is drunk (there may even be a risk of death),
    When babies are given tea every time mom and dad drink,
    They can cause headaches, nausea,
    They can damage the kidneys, increase the formation of stones,
    They can damage the stomach, cause gas and bloating, diarrhea,
    They can cause anemia, even cause miscarriage,
    It may shed hair

Herbal teas are harmful. They should never be used in this way! However;
Benefits of Herbal Teas

Herbal teas can have the following benefits when consumed as they should be:
    they help keep you fit and relax,
    they help balance your blood pressure,
    they have a helpful effect in passing psychological problems,
    can accelerate metabolism, help weight loss,
    They can help babies sleep comfortably,
    With their vasodilating properties, they can help balance atherosclerosis and blood pressure,
    may contribute to insulin values ​​for diabetics,
    they can contribute to the formation of healthy hair,
    They can cure many diseases,
    can reduce the incidence of diseases,
    they can offer a healthy life,
    they can support longevity by renewing cells,
    they can strengthen memory, help with mental clarity,

and more, herbal teas can help. That is, the harmful and usefulness of something is related to whether it is consumed properly or not. In that case, herbal teas should not be consumed unconsciously, nor should they be excluded from our lives!

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