Herbal Treatment for Menstrual Irregularity

Every woman may experience menstrual irregularities, delays or breakthrough bleeding at some point in her life. Many factors such as stresses, troubles, sudden weight changes, sadness in human life can affect the menstrual cycle. It can cause deviations and changes in this mechanism, which works like clockwork.

Whatever the cause of menstrual irregularities, none of them is normal and should be investigated. Because the most common symptom of almost all diseases in the female reproductive system is irregularities in menstrual bleeding.

'What is good for menstrual irregularities?', 'What are the herbal cures to regulate menstrual bleeding?', ' Herbal solutions to menstrual irregularity ' are in this article…

Herbal solutions to menstrual irregularity;
    To remove menstrual bleeding, herbs such as parsley, yarrow, chamomile, mint, calendula, saffron, cumin, anise, fennel, carrot seeds, black cumin, sage and musk are brewed like tea and drunk 3-4 cups a day.

    To regulate excessive menstrual bleeding, 2 tablespoons of crushed shepherd's purse and horsetail herb are placed in 4 glasses of cold water, and both are left for 10 minutes. This mixture should be consumed in one day.

    A pinch of celery and parsley are boiled. It is kept overnight and drunk 1 glass in the morning on an empty stomach for 3 days.

Plants that are good for menstrual irregularity;
Dill; Dill  has an important expectorant property. The apiole in its content is a powerful expectorant. If you want the bleeding to be easier and remove, the tea you will prepare with two teaspoons of crushed dill seeds will be of great benefit.

Turmeric; Studies have revealed that Chinese and Indian doctors use turmeric in the treatment of menstrual irregularities. You can use turmeric as a powder, or you can also brew it in the form of tea.

Mallow blossom; The compound called 'betaine' found in the marshmallow flower has a facilitating effect on menstrual bleeding. Tea with marshmallow tea and yarrow will benefit you.

Black Hawthorn;
This plant, also called 'pain bark', works in alleviating menstrual pains. The bark of the plant contains at least four different substances that relax the uterus. 

Yarrow; It is a very useful plant used in the treatment of painful cramps in women, especially during menstrual periods. Yarrow contains numerous antispasmodic compounds.

Ginger; Ginger tea, which has at least six different pain relievers and six other cramp-relieving compounds, is extremely safe for menstrual cramps.

Strawberry; Strawberry leaves are very beneficial in relieving and relieving cramps and pains. Strawberry leaves are rich sources of vitamins, minerals and ellagic acid, which has anti-cancer properties. Strawberry leaf tea is an extremely useful beverage for people with mineral and vitamin deficiencies.

The information we mentioned above should not be used without the advice or control of a doctor.

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