How do spots on the skin pass?

Brown spots on our skin can bother us and disturb us. However, there is a miraculous substance in our homes that will allow us to get rid of these unwanted skin spots ! Keep reading our article..

Most of the time, skin spots that occur for some reasons, especially and often on the hands, face and legs, without any signs of health problems, are not a desirable situation due to aesthetic concerns. These brown spots, especially on our face, are quite disturbing.

What Causes Brown Spots on the Skin?
These not-so-cute spots, which we are often exposed to in later ages, can develop depending on age, as well as in the case of exposure to the harmful rays of the sun. While age-related skin spots are caused by the increase in melanin accumulation in the skin cells, the spots caused by the harmful rays of the sun are caused by the fact that we prevent the effect of the sun's heat, which reaches high degrees in summer, with a protective cream and especially not using protective creams on our face.

Brown spots on the skin are caused by reasons such as old age or the sun, as well as hormonal changes during pregnancy, which many women call 'pregnancy spots' during pregnancy. Except those; This problem can also occur as a result of factors such as inadequate personal care, menopause, depression or stress.

How Do Brown Spots Happen on the Skin?
There is a popular treatment method for such annoying spots that occur on our skin, especially brown spots and birthmarks! There are laser treatments applied in many beauty centers that allow us to get rid of the spots on our skin that bother us. But how healthy it is, it's good to stop and think! It is clear as day that the skin is heavily damaged during many laser procedures. For this reason, it is not the method recommended by dermatologists. For this reason, we have compiled a great article for you that will remove and pass the skin spots and brown spots that occur on our skin, especially on our face.

Natural Remedies for Brown Spots on the Skin;
Lemon; Thanks to the citric acid in the lemon, it bleaches the stains. Many housewives know the effect of lemon mixtures in removing stains. This method will also be effective for your skin. You can squeeze a fresh lemon and apply its juice to your blemished skin, then wash it off with warm water. The effect can be seen when applied 3-4 times a week. It is usually effective on small spots.

Apple Cider Vinegar; Apple cider vinegar, like lemon, is a natural acid-containing substance. However, when using apple cider vinegar for the skin, you should use it by mixing it with water in equal proportions and diluting it. Mix equal proportions of apple cider vinegar and water, then apply it to your stained skin with the help of cotton. You can repeat this application regularly until you get rid of skin spots. People with sensitive skin can use it once in 2 days. If apple cider vinegar shows allergic results on your skin, stop the application immediately.

Potato;  Another effective method for spots on the skin is potatoes. Potato, which has a protective effect against cancer, beneficial for the kidneys, facilitating digestion and cleansing the blood, is also very beneficial for the skin.

The mask, which is made in its grated form, has a miraculous effect for brown spots. Two potatoes will be enough for the mask, which is extremely easy to apply. Grate the potatoes and squeeze out the juices. Wash the stained skin with the resulting water. You can also care under the eyes and on the nose with the pulp remaining from the juice of the potato.

If you have blemished skin, apply the mask with pulp after washing your face with potato juice. Waiting half an hour will be enough. After the time is up, wash your face thoroughly with clean water. Afterwards, you will not believe the miraculous effect when you see that the red spots or other spots on your skin have passed. Remember to repeat this mask once a week.

Adding a teaspoon of olive oil after grating the potato provides much more benefits to your skin. Even if you mix unpasteurized milk, you will get a mixture that will be very good for your skin. When you apply this mixture to your face, you can also get rid of brown spots caused by the sun. After saying goodbye to stains, what you need to do is to use a protective cream before going out in the sun.

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