What to Do During Pregnancy for the Baby to Be Smart?

During pregnancy, you will pay more attention to your own health for the health of your baby. However, if you want your baby to develop normally, as well as to be a little smart, smart baby, it's good to set the bar a little higher. As with all control of pregnancy, this one is in your hands. Your doctor will tell you what you need to do to have a smarter baby , and even suggest some food and vitamin supplements.

Things to Do During Pregnancy for a Smart Baby;

1. Take folic acid and vitamins!
Folic acid is essential for the formation of brain cells. Folic acid intake in the four weeks before conception and in the first 8 weeks of pregnancy reduces the risk of autism in infants by 40%. It is recommended that women take 400 mg of folic acid every day, even before trying to conceive. Natural sources of folic acid include; lentils, fortified breakfast cereals, and green leafy vegetables. Folic acid also helps the development of red blood cells, vitamin B12. Vitamin D aids in bone formation. For this reason, multivitamin supplements and folic acid may be a good idea for prenatal care.

2. Don't forget the omega-3 fatty acids!
Omega-3 fatty acids are very important for your baby's nerve development during pregnancy. Foods rich in various omega-3 fatty acids are eggs, fish (preferably low-mercury fish), beans, red meat, walnuts, flaxseed, spinach, and iron-fortified cereals.

3. Consume vegetables and fruits!
Antioxidants are needed to fight free radicals that can damage your baby's brain tissue. To increase these antioxidants, it is beneficial to eat plenty of fruits and vegetables during your pregnancy. Papaya, green leafy vegetables, tomatoes and blueberries are rich in antioxidants. Do not forget to thoroughly wash the fruits and vegetables you will eat.

4. Eat foods rich in iron!
Iron is also essential in transporting oxygen to your baby. Since most women are iron deficient, the uterus is deprived of oxygen, which negatively affects the baby's intelligence development and growth. If iron-rich legumes, spinach, beets, chicken, lean beef and fortified cereals are consumed, it is possible to have a much smarter and healthier baby.

5. Eat protein-rich foods!
At the same time, proteins are essential for accelerating your baby's growth in general and for the development of new cells and hormones. Protein intake should increase by an extra 10 grams daily, during pregnancy. Lean meat, legumes, dairy products are rich in protein.

6. Beware of iodine deficiency!
It's fine to take at least 220 mcg of iodine every day during pregnancy. Pears are rich in iodine, so you may want to include them in your diet. Many women develop thyroid problems during the first trimester, and low thyroid hormone levels can lead to your baby's low IQ.

7. Most importantly; interact with your baby!
Communicate with your baby from the first moment you realize your baby, that is, your pregnancy. If you leave it alone, you will have eroded its speech, understanding, and intuition. Moment by moment in the womb, your developing baby needs you. So talk to your baby, sing or listen to him. In this way, he will swallow many things much more easily and he will be a much smarter baby. 

Things to Avoid for Your Baby's Intelligence Development;

1. Pay attention to the choice of fish!
It is useful to stay away from fish that contain high levels of mercury, such as mackerel and swordfish. Shrimp, tilapia, salmon and catfish contain less mercury than other fish. If you want to get enough omega-3s, you should be more careful with fish.

2. Avoid alcohol!
Even small amounts of alcohol consumed during pregnancy can have negative effects on your child's social skills, memory and attention span.

3. Do not gain excess weight!
Excessive weight gain during pregnancy can lead to premature birth. Your baby cannot receive optimum nutrition in the placenta due to your excess weight and is born underweight. This situation affects your baby's physical development negatively, as well as can cause serious damage to the development of intelligence. About 30 minutes of exercise every day will benefit you greatly during pregnancy.

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