What Causes Bleeding During Pregnancy?

The subject of 'can you get a period while pregnant' is a situation that women wonder a lot during pregnancy. There are many misconceptions among women about menstruation during pregnancy . That's why it's best to know about it.

Although rare, some women report having one or more periods after becoming pregnant. However, while pregnant, that is, menstruation does not occur during pregnancy; Bleeding can happen while pregnant. Menstruation, also known as menstruation, is the name of the vaginal bleeding that occurs due to hormonal changes in non-pregnant women. Not all vaginal bleeding is called menstruation. Vaginal bleeding while pregnant should also not be called menstruation.

At the beginning of pregnancy, spotting in the form of implantation bleeding, also known as 'oversight bleeding', may occur. These bleedings can be confused with menstrual bleeding; however, this bleeding is the natural bleeding that occurs due to the implantation of the embryo in the uterus.

Apart from this, there may be bleeding related to miscarriage in the later weeks of pregnancy, and these are not menstruation. In case of any bleeding that occurs during pregnancy, a doctor should be consulted immediately.

Does Menstrual Bleeding Occur in the First Month of Pregnancy?
Vaginal bleeding during pregnancy can scare you. Although this does not always indicate the presence of a serious problem, women who have bleeding in the first trimester of pregnancy often choose to have even healthy babies.

What Causes Vaginal Bleeding In The First Month Of Pregnancy, Is It Dangerous?
Vaginal bleeding in the first months of pregnancy can have various causes. During the formation of pregnancy, the fertilized egg reaches the uterus in a period of 7-8 days. The fertilized egg that reaches the uterus attaches (adheres) to the inner wall of the uterus. There may be some bleeding during this attachment. Some women interpret this event, which is popularly known as over-seeing, as menstruation. Other bleedings are due to other events that may occur during the progression of pregnancy (such as miscarriage risk, ectopic pregnancy). In such cases, treatment is arranged as a result of appropriate examination and ultrasonographic examination. After the bleeding stops and the normal course of pregnancy begins to follow, the expectant mother can return to her normal daily life.

What Causes Bleeding in the First 3 Months of Pregnancy?
Most women experience light vaginal bleeding during the first 12 weeks of their pregnancy. Usually the causes of bleeding in the first 3 months of pregnancy;

Implantation: It is the situation where a slight vaginal bleeding is encountered in the first 10-14 days of pregnancy after fertilization. It is a bleeding that does not last long. Some women do not understand this light bleeding and do not realize that they are pregnant.

Changes in the Womb : When the pregnancy process begins, more blood flows to the cervix. Such harmless vaginal bleeding can occur, especially after intercourse, which stimulates the uterus.

Low:  According to a study by an American university; An average of 15% of pregnancies result in miscarriage. Vaginal bleeding is mostly a sign of miscarriage, but; Bleeding by itself does not necessarily indicate a miscarriage risk.

Extrauterine Pregnancy: In some cases, the embryo implants outside the uterus into the fallopian tube. This is called extra-uterine pregnancy. In this case, the embryo cannot survive and if there is no treatment, there may be bleeding that will endanger the life of the mother.

Infection:  Some bleeding may occur as a result of infection in the uterus.
The information given in this article is for warning and informative purposes only. Consult your doctor for any vaginal bleeding that occurs in the first three months of your pregnancy. In case of vaginal bleeding lasting more than 1 day, go to your doctor immediately.

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