Common Mistakes About Nail Care

The most important organ in our daily life is our hands and nails. We often use our nails in most of our daily chores. Due to heavy use, our nails start to look bad, wear out and break. Nail care is important for nail health. But many people make mistakes in nail care. These include forcing nails; The nail has a certain staying power. Forcing the nail unnecessarily causes rapid deterioration, loss of shape and weakening.

Bite nails; It is a common problem in young people and children. If this problem is not eliminated, certain bacteria enter the body more easily.

Dishwashing and chemical contact without the use of gloves; This is the procedure that will wear the nail the most. Bleach, chemicals, poor quality care products, soaps and dishwashing detergents that touch the nail cause many problems in the nail. Coloring begins on the nail, weakening of the nail is observed and the color begins to become dull. It is necessary to make a habit of using gloves during cleaning.

The problem of incorrect nail cutting is very important. This is one of the problems that many people have with their nails. There is a suitable shape for cutting the nail. Toenails are suitable for straight cutting and hand nails are suitable for crescent shaped cutting. It is possible to get rid of ingrown nails that may occur on the feet by cutting the toenails straight.

cutting nails as short as possible; Cutting the nails too short, that is, from the bottom, causes injuries in the meat under the nails, and even the fingertips can swell.

How Should Nail Care Be Done?
For nail care, attention should be paid to nutrition. First of all, foods containing B, A and C vitamins, potassium, iron and calcium should be consumed. No matter what the nails are, they should never be forced. Clean materials should be used on the nails as much as possible and acetone-like abrasive materials should be avoided. If the nail polish on the nail is to be removed, ice should be used and the nail should not be abraded. Care should be taken not to break the nails. Toenails should be blown monthly and fingernails should be blown on a weekly basis. Attention should be paid to the shape of the cut.

Tips for Nail Care
For your nails, you should eat 6-7 almonds daily. It provides the necessary vitamins and minerals of the nail and helps your nails to look brighter.
For nails that have turned yellow after smoking; Rub the nail 10-12 times with the help of lemon juice and then clean it with oxygenated water.
Massage your nails with moisturizing creams. Thus, while increasing blood circulation, you will meet the moisture need of the nail.
Fill a bowl with warm water. Add 1 teaspoon of olive oil, 1 teaspoon of lemon juice, 1 teaspoon of vinegar and 1 tablespoon of salt to the water. Insert your fingertips into this bowl. Wait for 20 minutes. You can easily see the difference when you repeat it for 1 month.

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